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MDMA and Salvia

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Pringle
  • Date de début Date de début


Are there any dangers in combining these? does anyone have experienced these two at the same time?
weird combo

why would you mix these two?

i asume you take the mdma first and then (on the peak?) smoke salvia.
my idea is that the salvia will not give full effect because for salvia you need a very quiet, calm set and setting (dark room, sitting in a couch or in bed)...
and this is quite hard on mdma.

also, there are studies that show that salvia works on the dreaming mechanism.
personally, i experience salvia better when tired.

if you are going to do this combo, go low dose on mdma
Check out the erowid trip reports vault i'm absolutely sure there was a tripreport of someone taking a hit of e and later smoking some salvia.

It seems like a great way to make the ecstasy high a little more entheogenic and deep.
Seems like a strange idea, MDMA and salvia for me have completely different purposes (MDMA for introspection/being more communicative + magical happiness and well-being, and music becoming heaven, salvia for OBE's), mixing these would give some pretty wicked effect oO