MAY 2 (this wednesday) MIGRATION TO VBULLETIN!

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion ophiuchus
  • Date de début Date de début


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
it's finally arrived! :D

don't be surprised if the site is down or very buggy for several days, and also, when the site is finally back up and running, be sure to check all of the functions of your account for bugs, and report them to a moderator or administrator (like me, ararat, or ADMINISTRATOR) as soon as possible, in order to make the transition as quick and smooth as possible!

Voir la pièce jointe 5862Voir la pièce jointe 5870
We lost our avatar, that's for sure. It seems we lost our friends list as well.

Can you up a little the size of the avatar ? 80x80 is not very big to express ourselves ! :P

I'm aware that this is not urgent.

Thanks for the update.

edit : It seems that new members can already send Private Messages. Can you add the usual limitation ? Thanks !
Even though i'm a bit lost for now, i'm glad we have the Quick Reply and all the cool new stuff… I'm just wondering : will there be smilies and text-editing tools ? And are all the previous posts (before the migration) doomed to be diplayed with mistakes, since the bbcode isn't the same ?
During the coming days we'll be finetuning the forum settings. Please do post feedback and suggestions here, thanks!
Ophiuchus has bbcode (or html) in his signature. Are we allowed to add this kind of code ? I'd like to add links to my trip reports in my sign.
This should become possible (again) in the coming day or so - we're working out some other (more important) issues first!
- Groups of users (such as moderators...) seem to be disabled.

- Private messaging doesn't work for me

- I don't have the right to moderate the english forums anymore (so I can't move topics in french posted in these forums)

- It seems that there was a bit confusion between english and french sub-forums : sub-forums "Cannabis" and "Salvia Divinorum" from the french forum "Psychédéliques naturels" are linking to the english section for those plants...
Can you put WYSIWYG editor activated by default for everyone ?

schtroumpfette a dit:
- It seems that there was a bit confusion between english and french sub-forums : sub-forums "Cannabis" and "Salvia Divinorum" from the french forum "Psychédéliques naturels" are linking to the english section for those plants...
This issue worries me the most. I hope we didn't lost the topics of the french part...
Without mentioning again what has been said already, right now my main concerns are about the software version and the loss of the moderator forum which was great to discuss about sensitive stuff.
No topics should be lost, we're looking into it. The moderator forum (and other private sections) will return shortly.
Well, I wasn't really worrying about an eventual loss of posts in the moderators forum, what I meant is that it was great to have it to discuss about sensitive stuff such as a big issue - that it seems we really have to worry about - with the actual software version. Even though there is nothing top secret, it wouldn't be wise to openly discuss about this issue in the public fora since it could give bad ideas to someone.
Haha, the complaining ones are my dear french admins, I am proud of them !

Well merci for the vBulletin, and solving bugs and stuff. All hail to super admins.
The new forum's great, but...

Where are the CMS and blog functions?
We hope to add these functions later on, once all major migration-related issues are solved.
- Avatars have been restored
- added WYSIWYG editor
Is it just me, or does the site no longer truthfully show which topics have been added to lately? Before there was a clear red/orange message tag at a topic, as well as the option to "mark topics read"; I can't find anything like that now, and there's no good way for me to see what's been read or not.