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Making it legal, more tourists?

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
1 632
Well our economy is so incredibly fucked that the whole country is in a crisis!
Would legalizing Mary Jane, make more tourists come?
Wouldn't it increase our income in an average?
We're only 300 thousand here!
I think just making it legal, and start to make it into a business would increase
our economy!
Profit profit profit, on all sides!
Except for christian fascists! :lol:

Just look at this:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/oc ... editcrunch

Do you agree? or not?
Didnt Holland go up up up up up up and up?

I mean, it is a valuable recourse that is just waiting to get out of the black market!
It would make people more laidback, so they couldn't care less about economics. Great ideas are born from laziness.

& Why would people fly all the way to iceland for weed?

Reason they don't make it legal is because of international agreements between Europe and the US.
Forkbender a dit:
It would make people more laidback, so they couldn't care less about economics. Great ideas are born from laziness.

& Why would people fly all the way to iceland for weed?

Reason they don't make it legal is because of international agreements between Europe and the US.
That i know of!
But people already travel here a lot, but it is expensive!
But think of all the potheads who want to travel to Iceland?
OR potheads who never been to iceland, and they live maybe in a country that is closer to Iceland, than Holland?!
I also think it would be a great cultural benefit, and if it would be an economic one!
This is pure positive!
hah I had the same discussion yesterday with non smokers (didn't say I was a smoker though) just said it jokingly, wouldn't that be good for the economy?

and they all agreed :lol: :D
Plus you can tax it instead of having white money flowing into black markets. So you win on two fronts.
Forkbender a dit:
Plus you can tax it instead of having white money flowing into black markets. So you win on two fronts.
Yes, well thats already obvious!
Like i said, this is a resource waiting to be used, and taxed!
So yeah, I totally agree!

braha_kahn a dit:
hah I had the same discussion yesterday with non smokers (didn't say I was a smoker though) just said it jokingly, wouldn't that be good for the economy?

and they all agreed :lol: :D
Thats awesome man!
Thanks for sharin!
drug tourism sucks, btw.

Prices go up, quality goes down.
I'm talking about the Dutch situation, where weed is still in a grey area legally. To make it totally legal would probably get some good businesses started growing some killer weed, but right now it is just people trying to make an easy buck, without much respect for both the plant and the user.
^what crimes are you talking about?

Druglaw-enforcement has become more strict the last couple of years, especially on cannabis and mushrooms, but also on junkies and the like. They make more arrests, so I guess you could propagandate that the crime rates have gone up.
Forkbender a dit:
I'm talking about the Dutch situation, where weed is still in a grey area legally. To make it totally legal would probably get some good businesses started growing some killer weed, but right now it is just people trying to make an easy buck, without much respect for both the plant and the user.

I live in belgium, the neighbouring country... prices go up here too... so I doubt it has a lot to do with the Dutch situation
^It's a result of stricter drug law enforcement by the police. More police=Only stupid people grow weed=bad weed at a high price.