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making hashish oil

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Alpiniste Kundalini
my aunties and grandad made this for generations and is excellant method.
family recipee. may take few goes to perfect.

you need a empty rinsed good fizzy bottle.coke or sprite.
mixture of leaf and bud.
bout half a litre atleast of Isopropyl alcohol.
some handytowels.papertowels.
and a coil electric oven. cannot make on gas oven. will explode.
and a small or just a fan.
and glass jar cleaned.
and one dedicated pot, usefull 4 nothing else after

1. get ur bottle cut the very bottom off
2. remove lid and compactly fill drinking part with paper towelsjust depth of were lid was bout1.5-2cm compact
-- u will use the bottle upside down with filter facing down

3. fill from the bottom (which u have choped off) with your leaf bud mixture,note if u cannot get leaf donnot worry it just means u will be able to wash it many more times. mixture must be DRY and best to be broken up and just loosely droped in bottle
4. place bottle sitting in jar so it sits able byitself
5. now depending on how much mixture u have used pour in ur isoprpyl making sure to puor over all ingredients.

6. let sit and filter through, u can use only leaf but it will produce a less desirable hash oil which is black/green called commercial oil. where as with a bud mix you will get a hash oil which is golden yellow called Goldies.th shit

7. ow once it has filterd through, makesure there is no leaf of impurities, if so its better tomake new filter and repeat filtering process, note the iso is now yellowy green it has striped the THC from the bud.---now place liquid into pot and put on element (NOT GAS OVEN NO) with fan facing pot on low-which will help remove evaperated pure alcohol WHICH is FLAMABLE and smeels so NO FLAMES NO not even lighter. now turn on oven each ovens heat settings are different but you want to see little bubbles not boiling just simmer you must attend this through the whole process do not leave unattended. making sure fan is blowing away evapourate. i find as it evapourates right down its best to angle pot so liquid is in one place. i use a metal coat hanger bent so i can put pot sitting in it and it holds it in position. when all is evaperated and it is in one puddle turn element right down and using a peice of wire run wire through mixture every minute until no more buubles come.

8. i use those plastic lids of of juice bottles the flexy ones to scoop out but u can use a spoon just as good.
9. u will be able to rinse all THC out of mix another 2-4 times depending on bud.
10. house will be filled with flamable gas AIR OUT.....
11. note this is a SAFE method if done cautiosly and followed instructions.
will produce if not next to pure THC oil which can be smoked using bent wire scoop a drop out use hooter in mouth.rolled cardbourd. and place on end of red glowing hot knife nice get smashed.
.....NO FLAMES AND UR ALRITE>>>> :D any Qstions just ask
Nice one.

Personally I use and love the simpleness of this one:

Get a tube with a small hole in the top, and some showerlike holes on the bottom. Put a coffee filter cut to size in the bottom. Fill the tube with grounded grass (really grounded). Close the tube, get a can of lighter (butane) gas which you unload through the small hole in the top, collecting fluid in a jar (preferably pyrex). This fluid is honey colored. Put the jar in a pan with warm water so it begins to boil and within an hour all gas will be gone and you have perfect clear hash oil.

Of course:

- Do this outside
- no open fire
- etc...
you can use this method with all plant material right? I think I've heard that you can get thc out of all plant material (even males) like this.
silv a dit:
you can use this method with all plant material right? I think I've heard that you can get thc out of all plant material (even males) like this.

With the quality we have in the Netherlands in the shops now, it doesnt hurt at all to process plant material imo.
HeartCore a dit:
silv a dit:
you can use this method with all plant material right? I think I've heard that you can get thc out of all plant material (even males) like this.

With the quality we have in the Netherlands in the shops now, it doesnt hurt at all to process plant material imo.
aight, i'll give it a shot and see where i end :D
HeartCore , have you tried warming the grass up first = decarboxylating the THC acids first ? If you did , did you notice a difference in the effects or amount of the oil you got out ? If you havent tried it what about trying it and letting us know what happens please ???
Because THC acids dont make you high if you eat them , you have to smoke them = aply heat to ......decarboxylate them to THC wich is an oil. Thats the reason why you have to cook grass in a cake ....... to decarboxylate the THC acids..........I`m not a chemist , i`ve just read it in loads and loads of books . Probably Spice or Phalaris or one of the other site chemical genii could explain exactly what that means . I have my own theory what it means but dont realy understand the chemistry of it . Sounds to me like getting rid of a ? carbon atom and an oxygen atom from that funny looking 6 sided ring thingy-ma-bob by oxidation to me .... but i aint a chemical Einstein so who the fuck knows........please ???
well decarboxiltation is simple, it's getting rid of the carboxyl group
R-COOH -> R-H + CO2
so it's no longer an acid...

but arent there enzymes in the human body that can decarboxylate?
(thinking about amino-acids being decarboxylated for polymer forming)
opened my organic chemistry course but before i read, i remembered that enzymes are substrate-specific, so no enzyme would work on THC...
I actually heard that you need animal fats to render THC active in the human body, but it sounds far less scientific then the decarboxylation-thing.

Anyway, I'm thinking about making some of that hash oil. But will it work with smaller quantities? 'cause i'm kind of broke right now so I don't have much weed.

And also can anyone tell me what the effects of hash oil are? probably just the same as weed, but then a hell of a lot stronger right?

Edit: I just remembered that those animal fats, were ment to 'store' the THC, because dairy products are perfect for holding THC or something, right?

But this would mean a simple Cannabis tea, if properly heated, should give me a buzz?
Thanks , that all sounds very interesting and well explained but as i say the peak of my chemical knowledge is making a cup of tea so i havent got a clue . But the body is supposed to have lots of canabinoid ? rezeptors spread widely through it , so there must be some system of breaking canabinoids down . The questions are does THC acid break down to THC oil in the body and if it does does it do it fast enough to be absorbed fast enough to get a person high ? ...... or is that all crap and i should go and make myself a cup of tea ????? Whatever , as i said i have read about grass not making people high when eaten , untill it is heated , in loads and loads of books . I`d be very interested to hear more on the subject from you , or anyone else who can posibly explain what actualy happens .
VerusDeus a dit:
I actually heard that you need animal fats to render THC active in the human body, but it sounds far less scientific then the decarboxylation-thing.

Actually, the animal fat vs. plant fat is a solubility issue.
Saturated animal fats have higher "Van der Waals force" between molecules.
This is why plant oils are fluid and butter is more solid.
For margarine, they hydrogenate the fats to get rid of double bondings between C-atoms, thus resulting in fats that are more animal-like.

I think that the London-forces are most important here.
These are distortions in the position of the electrons, inducing a small polarity in the molecule, and in the surrounding molecules... thus holding them together.



See that "tail" on the right side of the THC-molecule? That's the part that also acts like some sort of saturated fat.

Please correct/confirm where necessary :lol: (spice?)

edit: small mistake
Meduzz a dit:
See that "tail" on the right side of the THC-molecule? That's the part that also acts like some sort of unsaturated fat.
But if its a satured tail, why would it act like an unsatured fat??
apple a dit:
But if its a satured tail, why would it act like an unsatured fat??

animal fat is saturated
edit: excuse me for the typo, the tail is saturated. will edit this
This fluid is honey colored. Put the jar in a pan with warm water so it begins to boil and within an hour all gas will be gone and you have perfect clear hash oil.

Hehe, my friend tryed this. I let me smoked some of is fluid stuff, but it tasted like butan gass :) So he must have forgotten to boil it :P

sidefx a dit:
my aunties and grandad made this for generations and is excellant method.
family recipee. may take few goes to perfect.

how much grass would you typically use with this recipie.. a quarter, etc?