Majority of Dutch mayors support legalisation cannabis

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Glandeuse Pinéale
I'll translate the Dutch article on

ALPHEN AAN DEN RIJN - a significant majority of Dutch mayors who have a coffee shop within the borders of their community, are in support of legalisation of the entire cannabis (production) chain.

They want to end the so called frontdoor-backdoor problem policy where sales of cannabis is legal but growing and providing coffeeshops, is not.

This is investigated by the magazine 'Binnenlands Bestuur'. The magazine called 106 communities of which 88 mayors responded. 54 of those want to legalize the entire production chain of cannabis.

9 mayors said to support a total prohibition of coffeeshops, 25 want to keep the current policy in place. 6 mayors did not want to speak out on the issue and 11 did not want to cooperate at all.


Apologies for the quick & dirty translation but I just wanted to share this :D
Even a third of the Christian mayors are for legalization (while those in parliament simply want to close all coffeeshops):
CDA-burgemeesters in de coffeeshopgemeenten blijken erg verdeeld. Ongeveer een derde van hen is voor legaliseren, een derde voor gedogen en een derde voor verbieden. Het landelijke CDA wil coffeeshops verbieden.
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
(while those in parliament simply want to close all coffeeshops):

That proves that the parliaments are just fucking extreme Christian fundamentalists!

But it's sure a positive news.... :)
It is positive news, but I don't expect the parliament to listen to the mayors.
Well, there is a lot of discussion going on about coffeeshops and the legalization of cannabis.
I think there are much more people who support legalization at the moment, and they have much better reasons to support that.
I think we are at a crossroads, and it might become clear soon, which direction will be taken. Maybe the pro-legalisation camp is not as weak as it seems... There sure are still reasonable people around :) .

A ban on coffee shops would surely raise a lot of protests, I wouldnt be surprised if there would be huge demonstrations etc.
I think we are at a crossroads, and it might become clear soon, which direction will be taken.
Indeed. Meanwhile Switzerland is considering legalization too, another pain in the EU's arse.
magickmumu a dit:
It is positive news, but I don't expect the parliament to listen to the mayors.

I expect them to listen, because the mayors control the police forces that will have to deal with drug related crime. Secondly, you don't become mayor out of thin air, you need serious backing of your party (mayors aren't chosen directly in Holland).
The Wikipedia link I posted says:

A referendum on four people's initiatives will be held in Switzerland on 30 November 2008.[1] The initiatives which will be voted on are:[2]

* "For a sensible cannabis policy with effective protection of the youth" (Für eine vernünftige Hanfpolitik mit wirksamem Jugendschutz)
* people's initiative for the restriction of the Verbandsbeschwerderecht (Volksinitiative zur Einschränkung des Verbandsbeschwerderechts)
* "Against statute-barrment of pornographic crimes against children" (Für die Unverjährbarkeit pornografischer Straftaten an Kindern)
* "For a flexible pension age" (Für ein flexibles AHV-Alter)