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LSD tolerance

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Matrice Périnatale
How far apart should acid trips be spaced so that tolerance isn’t an issue?
Though I noticed that physically the effect of acid doesn't decrease that much.

Had 100 mcg's the hours after coming down off a 200 mcg trip. My sleepy feeling turned into a clear mind that felt the need to look around, without any visuals, or psychedelic thoughts. Also got a lil sweaty.
There is a difference between mental and physical tollerance . Physicaly about 14 days , mentaly if you have a proper dose once or twice a year .
Well, just recently I dropped on Saturday after not tripping for several months, then again on Tuesday, then once more on Wednesday. Saturday night was a good trip, Tuesday was a purely mental thing, alot like what the other guy above saide, i.e. I felt like looking around and was very clear-headed but no visions. On Wednesday my trip was utterly amazing, but I made a topic about that all ready.
Well my body, used to aloow me to visually and bodily trip two days in a row, just take a stronger dose the next day or the same dose for a less intense trip.

Also you can drop more cid whilst coming down and have another fantastic experience, i got better visuals and better bouts hysterical laughter doing this kind of trip. Everyone is different though, but i generally liked tripping the next day or whilst coming down, extremely mellow trip, nice visuals, and some laughing that made me cry and sore as I used to laugh so hard with my friends.

Third day is pointless though, you will get no effect taking cid three days in a row, no matter how high the dose.
mofomanrich , what you had wasnt acid or you hallucinated for a different reason ??? . Read some serious books on the subject and get informed about what hallucinogens realy do .
Trust me , I used to get real acid all the time, and i did not mean hallucinate in the general term, I just meant visuals, you don't really get true halicunations, I know that.

I also used to take it all the time when i was younger, and believe me it was real acid back in the late eighties and early nineties, microdot's, strawberries, rolling stones, alll great trips.
Ideally, there should be a few months between trips if not only because you should take that much time to process the profundity that it has given you.
When I wasn't following this rule at all for a while, and doing it a week apart on occasion, the effects weren't so much diminished as much as they seemed trite and cheapened.
it really depends. if you just like the visuals and stuff and don't respect it as an entheogen then about 3-4 days later. if you treat it as an entheogen then whenever you feel ready and able to take it all in. tolerance builds extremely quickly. here's an excerpt from Ram Dass' "Be Here Now" about it
"At one point I took five people and we locked ourselves in a building for three weeks and we took 400 micrograms of LSD every four hours. That is 2400 micrograms of LSD a day, which sounds fancy, but after your first dose, you build a tolerance; that's a refractory period. We finally were just drinking out of the bottle, because it didn't seem to matter anymore. We'd just stay at a plateau. We were very high. What happened in those three weeks in that house, no one would ever believe, including us. And at the end of the three weeks, we walked out of the house and within a few days, we came down."
now thats some dosin' :D
I've read a fair amount of literature about dosing, and how a tolerance is reached, but from personal experience and observation I think that there is something the researchers are missing. I'm not claiming to be smarter than them in anyway, but I've seen a kid trip out for a week straight after taking a huge amount of acid over 3 days. I ate some of the exact same stuff and had a normal trip too. In my expereience, LSD generally follows the 12 hour peak/comedown timeframe, but occasionally I get one of those trips that just lasts for ever for no explicable reason.
Usually I do a trip every 4-6 week and theres no noticable effect from tolerance. Sometimes I binge and keep a trip going for 3 days before I build enough tolerance so it doesnt work any more, it depends a lot on the strength of the acid.

A few of us shared a bottle of liquid this summer and we kept tripping untill it all went, its a wastefull thing to do but good fun. Orange microdots are a different matter, I havent tried taking one after another yet but I recon they would keep you up a lot longer.

Its possible to sleep when tripping if you tired enough and its weird waking up still tripping. Sometimes, when I trip for a long time, I get completely exhausted and fall asleep (might be my age :wink: ) then wake up still tripping.
I think most of you are talking about mental confusion after abusing substances not real trips . A real trip is something like when the walls and floors are breathing , going up and down or in and out , where every blade of grass and every leaf on each tree has a different shade off green . Where you are in a disney land cartoon like world .

I believe the bit about Ram Dass if he said it personaly , but if you think about it he had acess to real LSD and it must have been at least a liter if three people took it , every four hours for twenty one days . Who can afford to pay for the amounts that he was talking about , and the amounts that othere people here think that they have consumed ?
I think most of you are talking about mental confusion after abusing substances not real trips . A real trip is something like when the walls and floors are breathing , going up and down or in and out , where every blade of grass and every leaf on each tree has a different shade off green . Where you are in a disney land cartoon like world .

Probably true. When I was using LSD and mushrooms when I was younger, I thought I was tripping hard when everything seemed vibrant and different from normal. Probably it was hard enough for me at the time. Now I know a real trip (at least with shrooms, haven't got my hands on lsd for a long time) and that real trip is when I , for example, start communicating in sign language with the salamander spirit that I can feel is in my room. Things like that. And not in the way like "oh dude look, I'm making weird signs with my hand", but in a way that is beyond words and beyond my own understanding (I don't really believe in animal spirits, on the other hand I've felt/seen them countless times, so what to do with that?)
GOD a dit:
I believe the bit about Ram Dass if he said it personaly , but if you think about it he had acess to real LSD and it must have been at least a liter if three people took it , every four hours for twenty one days . Who can afford to pay for the amounts that he was talking about , and the amounts that othere people here think that they have consumed ?

its staight from his book, laying on my bed right now :) -its really cool, i recommend it to anyone who likes philosophy and/or LSD

yeah, it is extremely large amounts, but it was more or less to show that there is a tolerance build up. whether or not that can be applied to smaller doses is a mystery to me.

ive never tried to test tolerance on myself, so i cant provide any personal experience because im really sensitive to the stimulant effects and i have anxiety issues while on it. so the only times i can take it in a good trip dose is when i have some sort of opioids and some weed and xanax for afterwards to sleep. i never have to worry about LSD tolerance, but that also means less trips... :cry:
whether or not that can be applied to smaller doses is a mystery to me.

The tolerance is easily tested: take half a trip today (if you got a nice one, otherwise take a whole or even two...). You're going to trip more or less hard. Take another one tomorrow, same dose. If you still need proof, take another one the day after tomorrow. You'll see that after three days you can take three or four times as much and still won't be "tripping". You'll be in a nice state of mind, comparable to good weed (when you're used to it!) but that's it. No real mindbreaking trip! Maybe if you take 20x as much on the third day you'll trip again I haven't tried that. Hve you seen the movie "the Doors" where Jim Morrison (well, the actor who plays him) gives an interview in a totally super-relaxed condition. That is just like you're gonna be when you take lsd for days. Not tripping, more sedated. Nice and groovy, but not tripping!
I've heard in a documentary that Jimmy Hendrix took two super-powerful trips once before he played a show. I am absolutely convinced that he has been on lsd for days, because otherwise he couldn't have played that show. But if he has been on lsd for days before, I can totally believe it.
"oh dude look, I'm making weird signs with my hand"

I think you mean "after vision" , thats when you wave your arm over your field of vision you see lots of hands following it , like in slow motion . Thats what people used to do to see if the trip was starting .

"I don't really believe in animal spirits, on the other hand I've felt/seen them countless times, so what to do with that?"

Acept it . Its just an alternative way of you comunicating with yourself , of seeing what your brain is thinking / how it comunicates with it self in your sub consciousness . Thats what the spirits are that shamanen see and talk to on trips . Maybe compaire it to saying things in two diferent languages .

I wasnt doubting what you said about the book , and i`m realy glad that someone out there is reading things , educating themselves . It can only do us good .
The dose and the way of administrating it makes the trip , not weather you put it on your thumb and then lick it off . Doing that would split the dose making it weaker . I have had a dose on the palm of my hand , through the skin and comming up that way . Droping it on you tong would make more sense . Wearing green socks also works wonders especialy on mondays with a plastic bag over your head .
Perhaps you should read the thread before posting a comment! If you read the thread you will know that a thumbprint is when you put you thumb over the end of a vile full of LSD CRYSTALS and consume the little circle of (white, grey or black) crystals that is left on your thumb. This results in taking the equivilent of ten or more microdots. The 'thumbprint' is supposed to give the ultimate psychedelic experience and is seen as a right of passage. Its unlikely you would come across this method unless you are close to suppliers or manufacturers, no one else keeps crystal lsd.