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LSD Meta-programming session

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Hey guys, tonight I'm going to do a Meta-programming session on LSD to try and use it to stop smoking. I'm pretty sure it will work, but I'm really interested if other people have any experience with meta-programming sessions.

A friend of mine tells me that you can really change your mind and "reprogram" if your on acid. It's only my 3rd time that I'm going to do acid. But the first 2 times I couldn't really "do" something with it, because I was to amazed how beautifull and cool everything looked :mrgreen:

I'll probably have no time checking this topic tonight (or today), or writing something down while tripping (no internet at the trip place) but I will wright a report tomorrow (I hope I can wright one in the afterglow :D)
You can't reprogram your mind on lsd :) But it may bring new insights in how and why to stop smoking. Good luck and happy tripping!
Well, I've had spontaneous "re-programmings" during strong shroom trips. When I came back from spiritland I suddenly realized with extreme urgency I needed to change some things (for example reduce eating meat and drinking too much alcohol). It really worked so far because the impression in my mind is so strong that I get a bad conscience as soon as I eat meat or drink alcohol. However these were totally un-planned experiences but still they changed my life to the better.

The meta-programming is supposed to work without drugs, so it can only be enforced by lsd, I guess.

But it may bring new insights in how and why to stop smoking
Well, that is the re-programming! Make you think so much about the dangers of cigarettes until you don't like them anymore!
well then
how did it go ??
Yeah sorry, haven't been around for a week, got a girlfriend now.
I wanted to try meta-programming with clean fluid acid, 'cause the last time I quit smoking with that stuff my ex sent me a really fucked up bad email, so I started smoking again.

Only last weekend we had LSD 23, "dirty acid" and I was so tied up with myself that I forgot that I was gonna stop smoking, so I smoked during the trip so afterwards I still didn't stop..

But next time..... :roll:

I never wanna do papertrips again, stupid things in your mouth.
Just give me the clean fluid acid, that keeps my head clear and doesn't fuck with my mind...
write "I want to stop smoking" everywhere in the room you planned to have your trip in... and maybe write it on your hands. (or other body parts) so you will not forget the goal of your trip.

I once decided that smoking sigarettes is very horrible when I had shrooms.... I felt the toxic smoke being in my body and it really made me feel sick. I smoked much less afterwards, so I for sure believe that it can help you.

That you (SitP) have a girlfriend does not mean you can just leave your psychonaut friends alone of course :D
Yeah I know, I'm sorry, but I haven't been around a computer much lately :oops:

But man, I hope to get the "next gen" liquid stuff again soon.
Then I'm trying my next meta-programming session again.
I'm also removing some bad programs that I've been tought through out my life.
Like I'm the worst person in traffic. If someone comes through a turn on my side of the road I wish the most horrible things to that person, without any reason.

I'm removing those things from my system to live more conciously.
write "I want to stop smoking" everywhere in the room you planned to have your trip in... and maybe write it on your hands. (or other body parts) so you will not forget the goal of your trip.

Good tip! Although I would choose different wording since you usually get what you wish for. If you wish 'I want to stop smoking', you will most likely end up just like that: 'someone who wants to stop smoking.'. Something like 'I don't smoke' would have greater power I think.

On the subject of papertrips: it all depends on the quality of the fluid that has been put on there. I have had really great trips with papertrips way back.
Yeah I have to agree, I have to think I stopped smoking in stead of I want to stop smoking.
Last weeks I haven't been smoking that much anymore so it had some effect.

And yes it depends on the fluid that has been put in the papers.
I had a great trip, but I haven't been able to do anything with it.

But I was so amazed after my 2 liquid sessions because my everthing in my head was so clear and I was more concious of a lot of things.