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LSD -- Ecstatic Childbirth

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Matrice Périnatale
Hello everyone :)

This is my first post to this forum, I found it while searching for information and hope some of you can help me.

I stumbled upon this book called 'The Ecstatic Adventure: Reports of Chemical Explorations of the Inner World' tonight at www.psychedelic-library.org and got to reading several of the chapters. However, I was most fascinated by chapter 20, entitled 'Ecstatic Childbirth'.

It is an interview of a woman and her husband in the 60's, and she talks about her experience taking LSD while giving birth.
You can read it here: http://www.psychedelic-library.org/books/ecstatic20.htm

She did this with her doctor's supervision and consent, and it sounds like a truly amazing experience for both mother and baby. I was so intrigued by this, that I began looking for similar stories. However, further information on this topic is extremely limited; I wasn't able to find anything even close.

There obviously have to have been other women who have done this (the chapter mentions four other women as well) and I am dying to know more on the subject.

Does anyone have more information? Enlighten me please :)


that sounds fucking NUTS!

Probably one of the most influential moments (or very long moments) to take LSD... Wow. I should take LSD when I watch my child's mother give birth :). Hahaha man, that is such a radical idea. Thanks for sharing.
After attending the birth of both my children I would forever hate myself if I was off my face on drugs. I found them to be the most exhilirating moments of my life and I've never been so high as the first time I held each of my children in my arms. In my opinion no drug can compare to that feeling and it would be a tragic waste for such a pure emotional moment to be clouded by drugs.

Thanks for sharing the story but I say save the acid for a time when your child is staying over at your parents house so you and your partner can enjoy it together without additional responsibility. God knows once you have a baby you get prescious little time to yourself.