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LSD binges

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Razor29
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Elfe Mécanique
I was wondering if anyone ever found them selves with a nice abundance of LSD time and nothing else at all. well i did

Now i should write that in general i don't do this anymore and i don't recommend it since it is very wasteful

anyway ever since last year i started a tradition with my brother every week end or every other week end we take acid on Friday night preferably at a nice rave and we start with a nice dose of 200 ug+ anyway 12 noon Friday we take another 400+ hit usually at home then we either walk in nature and talk a lot or listen to music or do movie marathons (because usually when you marathon movies by the 4th no matter how good the flick you wont enjoy it with acid i can watch 6 flicks and add 12 story lines in my head that never existed and maybe over identify with everything. that is just my weekend ritual.

sometimes i found my self still hungering from madness on Sunday morning so as everyone start their week off i take acid Sunday morning this time 500 ug+

now i kept taking till Friday making it feel and actually be a week long trip and i upped the dose all the time to keep it interesting but the weirdest thing is that after a few days of use some visuals and some feeling go away but some you simply dont get used to so while i am upping the dose some effects become so intense they seem like a different drug(visual wise) while some other very basic acid visuals are simply gone. but i kept going i wanted every day to feel how a massive dose would feel since every day it kept changing to things that to me are very abnormal for any kind of acid trip be it stong, not strong (with tolerance and without) the visuals and feeling i had where special.

now since i like acid a million time better when it works full capacity and i have no tolerance so i don't do this anymore (except the weekend thing because i cant trip unless it for a minimum of 24 hours)i was just wondering what others have done out of the urge to pacify your mind with anything around but reality

(p.s i know a lot of people don't think playing video games on shrooms or on acid is possible since you play worse well i found that when i try and really get in to it on acid things that are intuitive might become more smooth like when i take acid i can prove that my score is much much higher in time crisis on shrooms on the other hand u cant play well but its worth a try since any game you put on suddenly you are the main character meaning i feel his turmoil and fear and i see every non existent nuance in his body as if i am part of the game not playing it i guess you can call that video game empathy the true true next gen gaming)
used to do similar binges when i was a bit younger. i found i had to double the dose to get the same effect. i think the wierd effects come from sleep deprivation. only a guess but possibly neurotransmitters/residues building up. lack off sleep(3 or more days) DEFFINATELY produce the strangest special effects. just ask the pixies, they know what i mean
druglessdouglas a dit:
i think the wierd effects come from sleep deprivation. only a guess but possibly neurotransmitters/residues building up. lack off sleep(3 or more days) DEFFINATELY produce the strangest special effects.

Wich doubles (maybe triples) the chance of a psychosis...
Sleep deprivation is something you DO NOT want to fuck with.
A friend of mine had insomnia for a while and it brought him a very very harsh psychosis and till this day on he has to take really bad fucked up "medication" to stay normal (whatever normal means, maybe baseline is a better word)
Yeah, probably much like amphetamines "cause" hallucinations if you keep taking them, because you haven't slept in 3 or 4 days..

You're really courting disaster with that, friend. There's a reason that there are guidelines for doing this stuff!

The most important thing is to be healthy, and stay healthy. That means getting sleep/rest, eating good food, hydrating right, and so on. That way, you minimize the potential of any nasty side effects or pathological possibilities (i.e. you could die doing this kind of thing)

Do not pass go.. do not be sleep deprived for more than 48 hours... and even THAT is way too much. But after 48 hours you get into psychosis territory.

If you really want to trip for a week, do it off again, on again. Sleep.. rest.. eat.. get well.. THEN do it again. Don't take yourself to the edge like this. It's not a "good" edge to be on... it's too sharp. If you feel you must escape for an entire week from reality, get a crap load of DVDs of movies you really like and use those while you recharge... turn off the phone and your computer and just sink into the tube.
i know i love it by day 2 you loose all connection with the basics of normal reaction and that makes for some intresting fights dont get me wrong nothing violent i like sleep deprivation a lot its the only way to feel all opiated without taking any kind of opiate

(i used to take Fentanyl)
The problem with LSD is it only takes one brief moment during your altered state to decide that another drop would be a good idea, and BAM! You just commited yourself to another 8 hours of tripping.

LSD always leads me to come up with plans that sound like an AWESOME idea at first, yet by the time I get around to enacting them I'm bored with it, already forming my next exciting/fun thing to do.
yeah that does sound like what i do thats why my moto these days is take a 2 times the dose at first and all will be fine
Well sure.. it's easy to just drop again once you're tripping, unless you are in a strong group, or have a pretty strong sense of self.

You could take out one hit and lock the rest away somewhere ELSE. That way it would be more trouble to get and easier to defuse.

If you really wanted to be sure, you could give the key to someone you trusted :)
This kind of abuse makes me a saaad panda. :(
Think of LSD as a rocketship.....

You wouldn't take a rocketship to the grocery store.

Movies, video games?

That's really not using lsd's potential at all......the sleep deprivation is a bad thing....