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LSD and addiction recovery?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion handovdeath
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Is LSD a worthwhile endeavor for those seeking a deeper connection with spirituality? I know the answer to this question of course but I guess what I really need some insight on is my particular situation.

I am in recovery for drug & alcohol dependence/abuse. I have taken mushrooms in sobriety with the intention of a spiritual journey/experience, not of escapism. This was a very successful experience and was accompanied by a significant feeling of connectedness and unity with the world around me. No negative effects came about as a result of this.

I'm not looking for permission to drop acid. I can make that decision on my own, but I figured I would toss this one out there.
Is LSD a worthwhile endeavor for those seeking a deeper connection with spirituality?

Yes, absolutely. The only thing to watch out for is your mood, mental and physical state before you take acid.
You can have drops or tabs, I suggest tabs first, and getting them from someone who's really reliable, if possible. You don't want any shit acid, the best is the 60s type stuff.

If what you are after is a "deeper connection with spirituality", which I'm guessing includes feeling life, the planet, the universe, and other manifestations of enlightenment, then the PLACE and TIME you take the acid is super important, as well as the dosage.

I would suggest 2 tabs to start with (with 1, you risk not experiencing the full potential of LSD, which would be a real shame). Avoid cold weather (unless yoou stay indoors), but I would suggest taking a full day off and leaving the town/city to go visit countrysides, mountains, lakes and forests. Believe me, you will feel.

Oh, also, if you do not trust yourself for remaining in control, take the acid with another person to keep an eye on you. I personally don't do that, but its at my own risk.

Let me know if you have any more questions or thoughts you would like to share.
- Alex

PS: Make sure your in a healthy condition before you take acid. Being ill, like having a cold, a stomach bug or pain in general REALLY sucks when on acid.