Low self-esteem & materialism

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
[i:30ebmzm7]“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.
"Scientists Find that Low Self-Esteem & Materialism Goes Hand in Hand"

Well, of course they do. Materialism is merely the religion of robots, people who don't have a true path to tread, but are led, like cattle, down the path that advertising and capitalism decides they should be led down.

As long as people are followers in their hearts, (and we are schooled in becoming followers from the time we are 5 years old, or earlier, by the traditional education system, by organized religion, by advertising) they will be used and abused by a system which CANNOT function without their consent.

But they don't realize this, because they ARE robots. It's a foriegn directive in their programming to be aware of things outside the purview of their program.

Even psychedelics can't awaken a robot who doesn't already have a glimmer of doubt regarding his/her programming, the only way they can do their magic is if the seed of doubt is there, if it is already sensed that something isn't right.

Only then can the magic happen.

^ Couldn't have said it better myself.

I do believe that however, no one would reject a huge amount of money, serenity is a platform from where you go can into any direction.

If I would be a millionaire, I'd just buy a small house somewhere on the hills within the beauty of nature. And never turn back to work. Going to spread the message I want to cultivate.
spice a dit:
But they don't realize this, because they ARE robots. It's a foriegn directive in their programming to be aware of things outside the purview of their program.

Wouldn't low self-esteem imply that one has doubts about him/herself? And thereby open a window of opportunity to awaken?
"Wouldn't low self-esteem imply that one has doubts about him/herself? And thereby open a window of opportunity to awaken?"

If they have low self-esteem they probably might not notice.........and if they did their low esteem would probably stop them doing something abut it ?
Certainly not everyone is willing to admit shame in order to become vulnerable in the middle of all they have, to get a possibility for a new start.
Hmmm for some reason this seems obvious but I never realized it...

...most of my vices are related to me being materialistic.

I'll have to meditate on this.
Low self esteem = Materialism?

Don't let the powers that be know this or they might start trying to break peoples spirits into serving their system. Oh wait thats been happening for ages :P
Maybe materialism is a bit like fashion . People who dont like what they see in their mirrors try to compensate = they have low self esteem . Did you notice that about people with loads of tattoos , piercings , make up and fashion clothes ? Its a sort of camoflage , bad disguises .
"Self-esteem" is quite a complex issue. It's not the same as feeling insecure or not liking what you see in the mirror.
Self esteem and lack of self esteem are two different things .

Maybe we need some definitions of BOTH words .

The thing i said in my last post is my opinion but i also heard it in an interview with either dior or versace .
haha..i couldnt agree more with that :)