They say she ate to satiate a need for love.
She was a breed above the average Police-woman.
WPC Sadie Stick, big and fat and round and thick,
Fourteen stone with a hairy lip, my bruvver!
MacLagan hankered after her with hankering and grief,
And frequently when drunk he'd sing behind his handkerchief:
WPC Sadie Stick! Hit me again with your big black stick!
I'll 'ave a word with you when I find my dic---tionary!
The night of the Policeman's Ball MacLagan met her in the hall.
He said:" 'Ello! ‘Ello, ‘ello ‘ello!
She turned and looked him in the face
As friendly as a can of Mace and said:
"Piss off! Are you someone that I know?
Is it the gay Lothario? Is it Don Giovanni?
Don't drop your balls into my court,
You nasty little mannie!"
(but all MacLagan said was:
“WPC Sadie Stick! Hit me again with your big black stick!
I'll 'ave a word with you when I find my dic---tionary!