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looking for fallout recipes.

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Alpiniste Kundalini
Recipes for the fallout as in end of the world or w/e you'd like to label it as. I'm mostly interested in nuclear fallout, easy to make or hunt and gather foods or if anyone has a link for guides to identitying common used herbs/mushrooms that can greatly impact one's diet for the better please post it. I'm just interested Incase something ever happens so I can add good flavors to the bugs ill have to eat (unless they turn out tasty) but I'd vary much like to hear your opinions on this. Thanks for your time and any comments.
i recently got a book called "wild edible plants", it's pretty comprehensive. compact too, great for carrying around. though now i think about it, i believe mine is relevant mostly to my region (southeast) a brief search would yield positive results im sure. "peterson" makes good guides for different regions.

no joke i've heard grasshoppers are rather "baconey"
Thank you :) and no worries for taste allthough Bacon flavor sound's like it'll boost moral when all the foods gone, but I know bugs contain a lot of protein and good stuff then it seems, I also know not to eat bright colored things most the time anyways. Iv been told learn how to can, pickle and get some pressure cookers. I'll do a search for a book like that for my region (north east) and for Canada I plan on migrating farther north into the deep snows if any fallout took place.
Pickling might be a much better option as compared to canning in terms of finances. Both of these are great techniques, no doubt but personally I am in a bit more favor of pickling, simply because canning is a little more complicated and expensive too.
Are you loving to a new house? or constructing one for your own self ?
I would build one as long as I'm physically able, and not to mutated iv read a few military survival guide's and iv worked in contracting and landscaping I'm a ok builder and I seen every episode of duel survival :p but hopefully ill have allies to travel with I'm ok at horticulture an I started mushroom hunting this year so I hope to know anuf to survive :) but i plan on living vary far northren reaches but where I can still see trees.
Hmm, you are a multi-talented person in that case. I am really impressed. My mom is a very nice horticulturist, although not a professional one but she maintains our garden very well. She grows quite a few vegetables, fruits and flowers there as well. We have also got a small fountain there but that was my thinking actually.
Building a home from scratch is a really difficult task and it is extremely laborious and time-consuming too.
i once lived around the mennonite's of dundee NY iv seen what can be done :D and i will do what ever i must as long as my body will let me, i should add i worked in a lumber mill as well where everthing was from the 1920's >.> example our fork lift was a massey ferguson lol.
fallout recipes,about it first time I heard so what would be its benefits and for what purposes it can be used moreover need here how we apply our body and have its own side effect for the body.