yes bah merci d avance alors (azarius ne pense pas assez o povre petit français)lool et je pense ke ça servira a pas mal de monde.
3-Now remove the sticker from the top of the jar and slowly inject the sporemass into the jar through the filter.Reseal the jar by putting a bandaid over the filter.Put the cap back on the syringe and dispose of it in a proper manner.
4-Shake the jar for about 30 seconds so the spores can spread through the jar.Put the jar back in to the box and place it at a temperature of 28-30°.If not available,find the warmest place in your home to place the box(but the germinating of the spores will take much longer this way)
5-After about 7 days the fist mycelia will apear.After about 12 days the jar will be filled with mycelium for about 70%,now it's time to shake the jar again.
6-Wait untill the jar has turned fully white and fill the cup(with the vermiculite)with 100ml of tapwater and let it saturate for about 15minutes.Now remove the lid from the jar and put a thin layer of vermiculite on the surface of the mycylium filled jar( about 1/2 cm is enough).Place the lid back on the jar and put the jar back at 28-30° for another 5 days.Don't let the jar cool down to much in this period,this my cause the kit to produce less mushrooms.
7-Put the filterbag on a flat surface and fill it with 500ml tapwater.Wrap the jar in aluminum foil,so light can only come in from the top(otherwise lots of mushrooms wil start growing from the side and bottem of the jar).Place the jar in the bag and close the bag with paperclips.Put it in a place at room-temperatur(24-26°C) where sunlight,or light from a normal light-bulb can reach it.(not in direct sunlight!).12 hours on/off will do.
8-The bag will keep a very clean and moist environment.The filter will give the mushrooms enough air-exchange.After about 10 days the first mushrooms apear.To harvest, just remove the mushrooms that are just about to open.
Some tips for harvesting
1-The size of the mushroom,when you pick it,is not important.
2-The mushrooms will apear in 3 or more "flushes".Moisten te top of the jar after every harvest with a little water.
3-The mycecium is covered with vermiculite, this can be remove with a small knife from the stem of the mushroom.
4-If the stems or the heads of the mushrooms become purple/black,this is not a problem for these are probably released spores.It's a natural proces in development.
5-Don't dispose of the jar for at least 30days,for more mushrooms can apear!Just dispose of it when the rye has shrunk to a very small size or the jar smells rotten.
voila c fini.encore merci et bonne chance.