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Ketamine, healthwise?

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Glandeuse Pinéale
I wonder how bad Ketamine really is.
I've read on the internet that the most risky side of Ketamine is of falling over or taking too much, get knocked out!?

Are there besides this any toxic effects for your body?
Possibility of vacuoles in the brain, for one.
Well.... hehe...

There is prooven that it helps to cure depressions...
Well, there still doing tests with it i guess... but it cured some people of depression.. if it is temporly or not, i dont know. If i can find the article i will post it here.
Those who never got knocked out have no insight in what ketamine really does.

And shooting it is in fact the only way to go. Because within minutes the whole body is gone, you go behind the curtain and the K-hole occurs. Especially the speed of that process makes it stunning.

IMO a dose not strong enough to enter the K-hole is a waste of your Ket. It's just fun. But it allows you not to step in the capsule and get launched to ... ... O_O ò_O ~~~~~~ ...... O_O ò_O ... 0_o

The strong souls you encounter while unconsciouss can be left alone in an agreed peace.
Last time we had Ketamine, I had a very strange experience.
We where with 5 people and me and some others were having the feeling as if a 6th person from our group wasn't there:-)

Like, as if we came with 6 people instead of 5, and this 6th person was just in a other room or so, or standing in the kitchen.
It sounds very stupid, but all the time we really had the feeling as if something was missing.
Could you describe the K-Hole a bit more please ?

Otherwise, one major problem I've heard is that (once again) the stuff you get is never pure...
Possibility of vacuoles in the brain, for one.

refs ?

(you were not mistaking television(tm) for ketamine were you ? ;) )
Tiax a dit:
Could you describe the K-Hole a bit more please ?

Otherwise, one major problem I've heard is that (once again) the stuff you get is never pure...

The K hole is where the body and mind enter's a state of total anasthesia, and with ketmaine ebing a hallucinogen as well as having anasthestic properties, it creates a kind of black hole for the mind, where you temorarly feel as if you are leaving your body and watching yourself from above, kind of like being in another dimension. The drug is now really classed as a anasthtic/hallucinogen which produce's dissociative anesthesia.

Link to wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketamine

I would only ever buy legitimte Ketamine, froma pharmacuetical source, buying it at street level is like suicide, it could be mixed with anything, and illegal ketmine doses can be so high that the user inevitably can do things like go into such a stte of confusion and panic, they jum,p out windows, go into convulsions, or overdose. It's dosage and use should be strictly monitored,a nd if used, should only be used by experienced users, or with an experienced user, who got you it froma legitmate pharmaceutical source. I've seen people completely go nuts and never really come back after using the drug or being sold the drug as ecstasy, and doing things like taking of all their clothers and reying to god in a complete state of confusion and having the strength to fight off nearly twelve police officers trying to restrain him.

Horrible drug if you ask me, and better left to the scientists, and animals if you ask me.

Edit: Just to add to my happy post, lol, the drug can also cause irreversible liver damage in the drug dose is not correct, like an od on paracetamol, kidney damge, or comnplete renal failure. It has to be administered in the correct dose, and setting if you ASK ME, AND SHOULDN'T BE A STREET DRUG AT ALL. But there are always a few who like these kinds of drug's, phencyclidine(street name PCP) being another and just loook at the user's long term effect's of that drug to get an idea of what can happen to you if you use apecial K in too high doses too often. I saw some actual basket cases, i mean actual basket weavers whilst in the states due to prolonged pcp use. They were just literally mentally gone, becoming catatonic shizophrenics.
Compairing Ketamine to PCP is not possible . But as was said ONLY use it if it comes from a pharmasutical source . My doctor friend gave me a nice clean fresh bottle with a rubber top to put the needle through so i know what i had . But it can be very dangerous if done wrongly , even by doctors . I had to have my nose straightened because i had done to much coke and the surgeon got the dose wrong , i was consciopus for nearly the whole operation but i couldnt move . I saw him coming and putting his knee on my chest and putting the chissel at the base of my nose and hitting it 3 times with a hammer before my prayers that i would loose consciousness were answered .
Where does the idea come from that Ketamine is dangerous or not worth a try? :? The powder sold in The Netherlands are just pharm ampuls cooked, what remains is white powder.

Is it amoung the psychedelics one of the deepest substance obtainable. With a heavenly dissociative part added to it. Definitely harder to define than acid or mushrooms, and maybe even more complex than Salvia. Since it is hard to remember the k-hole, but somehow you remember it much clearer months later.

Injecting liquid Ket in the Muscle is not a serious aspect if done correctly IM. you should do, however, a complete dose to enter the universe of the K-world. I have written various reports in Dutch, this report is a shorter duplicate anyway, but still....


Shortly after the whole dose reaches your blood, you feel 'dizzy' and you're making 'shocking' movements, trying not to fall unconsciousness. You assume you've overdosed yourself.

Everything starts to turn black while at the same time your body feels like a plastic bag or like plastic. You're more than ever aware of your interior, everything in the outer world sounds far away or like you're under water.

From there on the outer world is closed and you're afraid that you'll never turn back, your body is reducing size, and it gets smaller and smaller, it feels like something supernatural is taking over you. Your ego is almost gone, you remain as big as dust or as flat as a paper sheet.

Now your last awareness is about to dissapear, a dot expands into white light and a neverending tunnel wraps you up. All you external sensory is shut down.

................... O_O ..................

They welcome you with a warm and tender touch. Somehow you know it's alright, but at the same time you're still a virgin in this tremdendous universe. From this point, you have decide yourself what comes over you.

I was lying in my garden in a coffin, I was dead, but somehow I saw my parents in my garden walking over the ground where I was lying under. I felt so released, like a swan who had spread his wings for evermore. They acted like they never went through any misery, happy little childs in an adult body.

Somehow I became suddenly a paper in my office at work, the people walked around me, I wasn't there, because I was the paper on a desk. And I fully accepted that the paper, was me. But the fact that this paper would never see life felt extremly weird.

I ended with a beautiful lady who gave me a key in a pyramid and she taped me on my shoulder and said: "This is the K-key, you're one of us" she was so convinced that I would be a great gardian. She didn't said, but her face implied it.

Someone pulled my arm and said "Come on, we'll show you more of this world, quick" I felt like many souls were pulling my arm. (I was coming down) "Come on, Come on" they said. "I Can't, me said" the gravity comes back, it's the normal world. "What normal world?" they acted a little bit hysterious.

Their voices were far away......

I felt gravity, something started to shudder, my feet existed yet again, just my feet, no body or head. I started to think, it felt like my feet were thinking (not my brains) it was the only body part I had at that point.

Shortly after, my body returned, still feeling a bit dizzy and touched my body to check or it was me. I looked around my chamber in disbelief, where were they gone. Somehow I wanted to return, but realized it was just Ket. But my "acquantainces" were so interesting. I must meet with them again.....

I got up and walked around my chamber, feeling quite normal, but still astonished.


If one is doing multiple K-holes in quite a short time, there becomes a strong believe in an overwhelming end in the K-world, which must be obtained to leave Ket alone. But this crave for an end is sadly, imagination. The story never ends, if you believe you've made acquaintances and seen every part of the universe, a new dark empty universe occurs and the story goes on and on, always with an open end.
personelement,j'ai pas mal pris de ketamine et franchement ca te retourne le cerveau et en plus tu t'habitue tres vite.
Je deconseille fortement,par contre pas specialement d'acoutumance j'ai arréter du jour au lendemain sans souci.
A eviter car ca doit être tres mauvais pour le cerveau
I tried some K but low dose, snorted; it came from a little bottle with rubber top and the girl who knew the drill put the liquid on a plate and the plate on top of a pot with boiling water and after a while the liquid turned to powder, not unlike cocaine, and so I snorted some...

Of course I didn't fall down the K hole but I felt DISTORTED, something was off and couldn't judge distances, felt very very very very light headed, I could think rather straight but my thoughts were misty, cloudy, there was chaos in my head... I returned to normal after some minutes.

Definetly something else but not something I'll be trying again soon :wink:
My first, and (hopefully) last experience with K came only about three days ago, me and a friend had intended to get a quarter ounce of weed, but ended up getting an 8th and a gram of K.

my first dose, a line about half as long as my finger, and about half as wide, was, pleasant, didn't sting too much, and much fun trying to walk and feeling like I was floating, and I was giggling at the fact that everytime I looked at my friend it was as if he was miles away. The only thing that freaked me outba little bit was that every time you do anything, you instantly forget doing it, so you are cosntantly thinking "jesus, what the hell am I doing?"
the only thing that put my off from the beginning was the god awful taste of it dropping, "UGH" is about the only word that measures up, although the taste of MDMA (I had tried powder MDMA for the first time earlier that night) tasted really quite repungnant....but, not unpleasant..hmm.

that dose wore off in about an hour, was left with a sort of confused but positive afterglow,so we smoked some more ghanja and then did a line each, he had dabbled in K a lot in tha past and was racking up the lines, so he made mine slightly bigger, I would guess about 2.5 inches long...thhis is where the fun began...

I was sitting on the floor, and I felt the mechanical buzzing noise in my ears, which was nice, and then the next thing I knew, I was laying down, and I was shallow in the hole, because I could still speak to my friend, but would then fall back into the hole. At one point, I had the CEV's of one big geometric box, with the most complex mathmatical equations I could have possibly thought were impossible, and then the box split into two, then four, like an ameoba, and ended up splitting faster and faster untill there were infinite numbers of these boxes, just stretching out as far as I could..err "see"

at that point they seemed to be sliding across themselves in layers, and I could see all the equations that took place on all of the fault lines where the layers where touching, I came out from my ego death a bit at that point and I remember asking my friend what dimention he was in, but I know that I meant "what layer are you in?" and he just told me he was in the third dimention, and I remember I felt like I was gliding at impossible speed across my carpet, forwards, then I was gone again, and I fell into the vast layers of these wierd boxes, which for whatever reason, now had these faces on them, but they were made out of mathmatical sequences, they were not actually comforming to any shape, but I perveived the maths to provide faces, and i remember talking to them , but When I "spoke" my friends voice was coming out of my mouth, and then I was back in the "real????" world again, and was telling my friend to stop copying me.

That was the last K hole I went into that night, and I remember just coming down to finding nemo (the ultimate film for when you are stoned), and it was nice, but I was still a little bit mind mashed the day after (lying, I was completely and utterly mentally in awe)

so he left, I smoked a wee bit more, roll on 5pm, I decided I would try a bigger line, because I still had 3/4 gram left, so I racked up what I remeber was the length of my middle finger, and about half as fat, thought "fuck that" and split it into two, got my water, and chugged sopme to stop the incredibly foul taste of dropping K. (and this time, it felt like I had been kicked in the face!)

The first thing I remember is picking up the glass, taking a sip and realising that I couldn't feel my mouth at all, then My ears were full of the wierd screamy buzzing and I managed to put the glass down, but, to use the immortal words from fear and loathing "I knew, I was fucked"

I remember thinking these exact words "the louder this buzzing gets, the worse I will puke" Then I think I must have blacked out completely, because I "came to" on my bedroom floor just slightly aware of pink floyd playing in the background, and then I went again, although this K hole didn't have any of the stunningly awe inspiring CEV's it was totally mind buggering.

I remember I was falling backwards, just falling, falling into this glistening blackness, and I was being asked if I was dead, I answered "yes I think so" and then I tohught of all I had "left behind" and I think it made mye cry, obviously I couldn't feel the tears, but I think I was crying, but then it went down a very bizzare turn, I felt a moment of this extreme, and I do mean intensely extreme, HATE the most blood boiling feeling of hate I can possibly imagine, and then I percieved that I was satan, and that I was judging myself into the underworld, but there was no underworld in my CEV'S only this blackness, and I remember saying "You have thrown away the meaning of the meaning of the meaning of the meaning (it was looping around)" and I then switched to and from myself as ME and myself as satan, and it wasl ike I was having this conversation, and I was punishing people at the same time, which was wierd, I remember then I breathed fire at the human version of me, and I'm pretty sure this is when I puked, because then I was snapped back into full reality and I was standing looking at my mirror, and I tell you, looking at myself, I was seeing the most horrific demon I could have ever imgained, or I was seeing my thoughts as that demon.

At that point, I rememebr just saying (I think I said it) "yes, you are gione now" and I fell forwards into my own puke, but to me it seemed like I was falling in slow motion, honestly I perceived it to be somthing like years and years and years and years, I was thinking that I would be sacked from work and that my parents would never find me because I was trapped inbetween dimensions, and when I hit the floor, I just remember vaguely feeling my forehead touch the floor (vomit, ew) and then I completely slid into cukooland again, and this time it was just black with millions and millions of red lines which seemed to form the structure of the universe, I kept falling down these lines, and then I felt this pulling sensation, like my soul was being ripped out, and at that point I thought I was dead anyway so I let it be ripped out, and then I was looking at the red lines, and seeing every idea that can be conceived just floating down these lines.

from that point, it seemed like 100's of years just lookuing at these lines, and then , I touched one of them, everything imploded, absolutely everything imploded and then I was completely and utterly sober, laying in my own vomit, but so, so so so tired, well not completely sober, still had the lagging vision, but I managed to look at my clock, and I had been in the hole for about 6 hours.

I am still very much mindfucked from this experience, and I do not intend to repeat it again, Being satan really did change me, it made me value people's worth more, I feel different now, but I also keep seeing the bad in people a lot more, and it's only been three days.

To be honest, I'd ratehr be force fed five hundred liberty caps (mushy season is over!!!!:(:(:(:( boohooo!!!!) than ever touch this shit again.

It can't be denied that the trip is an incredible experience, but it's not worth it, I would use douglas adams's brilliant lieterative talent to describe this, as my friend and i both agree that it is like a killer dose of alcohol, so one can compare it to a "pangalactic gargleblaster" "the effect of which is like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large, gold brick."

K......madness lies in that direction... if only acid wasn't so fucking rare where I am!!!!!!

well, sorry if you don't like my post, but I felt I had to say it while I had the inclination to....
hope someone takes somthing from reading it.

No side effects. You just need to have a strong mind and feel safe in your environment. I am now clean but use to do X and when I came down did KAT which helped with the X blues
Personally, I'm glad I had the Special-K experience in my past: haven't felt so nullified and thinly spread between dimensions/universes since those sessions...
Not a pleasant feeling, but one to learn from most definitely. Never doing Ketamine again, though. It's a muddy, dirty trip, imo.

Indeed it's not street friendly. Really hard to control locomotive/speech functions at a higher dose...

I read once that its use increases the tolerance to analgesics from the same family, with the risk of not being affected by anesthesia during, lets say, a surgery, which I think was someone's experience in this thread. >.<
wow that's right ketamine 's not made for relationship, due to move & speech difficults, but i find it really usefull for introspective experiences, it brings you really deep (sometimes you manage to fall in the terrifying K-hole muahah) and can make you wonder in atypical way... furthermore the trip is relatively short.