Jesse Ventura Uncovers Govt Plot: Depopulate Louisiana

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
In a shocking, unaired episode of “Conspiracy Theory”, Jesse Ventura investigates the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico which has led to devastation along Louisiana’s coast and in its fishing and tourism industries.

In the episode, Jesse leads his team into the bayou where they uncover shocking evidence of a plot to depopulate Louisiana and turn it into America’s refinery. At the core: the government’s secret, multi-billion dollar depopulation program that began in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and was kicked into Phase Two with the oil rig blast.

Although production has finished, no air date has been announced for this episode, and it is unknown if it will ever see the light of day.
what is meant by "america's refinery". is that to say, concentration camp?

i honestly don't like that jesse ventura show, or really alex jones that much either. not for what they do, i love what they're doing in showing us these things, but i can't help but feel that they are fear-mongering. actually i don't need to feel it, i can see it. they are trying to make us afraid. but when has being afraid ever helped anyone? they offer NO solutions and instill nightmarish editing into their videos. in this respect they are no better or worse than the corporate steamroller themselves, and actually are in fact a part of it. alex jones with radio, and jesse, tv.

this is not a time to fear the unknown in my opinion. that's what this age of our government right now WANTS us to do. they would LOVE for us to willingly give up our will to fight, under the impression that there are unbeatable odds. but that is simply not true. if we are ever to progress out of this phase of corruption, we must ALL ALL (including the elite) overcome these fears, both complex, and basic, fundamental.

there are too many of us for them to control. soon enough, we will have our day and if they dont have a change of heart WITH us, then we shall bathe in their blood
you make some good points, and I will try to respond;

first, I was chagrined to see Jesse there with Alex Jones, but it really just reinforces something I was already suspecting;

Jesse hasn't actually got the 'big picture', I probably have it better than he does, BUT he is interested in finding out.

You have to understand, there is a sizable difference in the comparison of Alex J and Jesse V.....Jesse HAS been a governor, hence, he is an insider, and when he saw things from the inside, he got out, and stayed far as I can tell, Jesse hasn't employed half of fucking Israel, or ducking any particular subject the way Alex Jones has and DOES.

So, I will disagree with you on your premise that he isn't doing anything practical, or offering solutions, actually, he is, ala Tim Leary....he's 'dropping out' of a dysfunctional 'game'....withdrawal IS a viable partial solution, since our PARTICIPATION is the glue which has cemented all these problems together. You have to realize, we may not be able to fix any of this shit.

It very truly could be too late.

He bought a house in Mexico, stays there a lot.....sounds like a guy that has really been disillusioned by the shatterring of a myth; that his government GAVE A SHIT.

I disagree again that fear serves no purpose, actually, it does, it serves to alert one to a threat to well-being.

Scaring someone without telling them WHAT they should be afraid of is fear-mongering. He is very clear on what we should be afraid of.....there is a purpose....

Why was he so pissed that the CIA came and interviewed him when he took the Governors mansion in Minnesota?

Because he knew what it meant, and what it meant is that our country was built on LIES, a fucking house of cards that are dog-eared and slippery.....

oh, the time is coming
This is kind of on topic but in kind of a stretched way. Wasnt sure where else to put this except that people interested in this topic might be intersted in this link:

Harnack is my old mentor's husband and he has predicted several of the financial changes that have happened in the past few years. To me he is a doom sayer with resources. He can backup everything he says and its WAAY over my head but it might be intersting to some people here.

From talking to him in person his key perspective seems to be exactly what your talking about here and that is the whole system is based on a house of cards. That is. A fake currency that is based on faith in a religion, that is the religion of capitalism and that that faith is going to deteriorate and eventually fail and then the entire system will collapse.

If you think about it what 'the dollar' is worth is purely based on whatever we say its worth as a dynamic community. If we say you give me your printed piece of paper I'll give you 10 apples then those 10 apples are worth that printed piece of paper to me. In that moment.

Since there is no longer a gold standard behind the dollar and the government has been caught LITERALY printing it to boost the economy how long until more and more 'un-awakened' people go.. "Wait a minute? Exactly who is gaurenteeing I can get those same 10 apples tomorrow?"


Which is no one of course. Its purely by faith that we can earn a dollar and expect that dollar to get something valueble by the time it gets into our hands and goes out the door.

I think of a situation that happened to me back WELL before I was 'awake' in any defintion and that was when I went to a rainbow gathering in pennsylvania about 12 years ago. There was this guy sitting on a mat selling stuff and he had a can of grape soda and I thought. Oh hey. I'd like that. It would have been worth about 55cents not 5 miles away in 'suburbia' but out here I had no change so I offered him the whole dollar. He said, dont bother, your money's no good here. Trade only.

At which point I thought, wow. I've got 10 more of these in my pocket and they wont even buy me a 12oz can of warm grape soda.

He broke the system.

He said. Guess what I have NO faith in your toy paper money and as such you have nothing of value to trade with me.

If we could reduce the system to this all around then you might see a change but until then the toy paper money rules the earth.

Just my very uneducated opinion.
spice a dit:
you make some good points, and I will try to respond;

first, I was chagrined to see Jesse there with Alex Jones, but it really just reinforces something I was already suspecting;

Jesse hasn't actually got the 'big picture', I probably have it better than he does, BUT he is interested in finding out.

You have to understand, there is a sizable difference in the comparison of Alex J and Jesse V.....Jesse HAS been a governor, hence, he is an insider, and when he saw things from the inside, he got out, and stayed far as I can tell, Jesse hasn't employed half of fucking Israel, or ducking any particular subject the way Alex Jones has and DOES.

So, I will disagree with you on your premise that he isn't doing anything practical, or offering solutions, actually, he is, ala Tim Leary....he's 'dropping out' of a dysfunctional 'game'....withdrawal IS a viable partial solution, since our PARTICIPATION is the glue which has cemented all these problems together. You have to realize, we may not be able to fix any of this shit.

It very truly could be too late.

He bought a house in Mexico, stays there a lot.....sounds like a guy that has really been disillusioned by the shatterring of a myth; that his government GAVE A SHIT.

I disagree again that fear serves no purpose, actually, it does, it serves to alert one to a threat to well-being.

Scaring someone without telling them WHAT they should be afraid of is fear-mongering. He is very clear on what we should be afraid of.....there is a purpose....

Why was he so pissed that the CIA came and interviewed him when he took the Governors mansion in Minnesota?

Because he knew what it meant, and what it meant is that our country was built on LIES, a fucking house of cards that are dog-eared and slippery.....

oh, the time is coming

ill take that.

you're right, i knew it might have been bold to compare the two, but they were really the only two i saw as being close to par with each other at the time. i must admit, my knowledge on jesse is limited. limited to the view that lazy americans have of him, with maybe a slight extra background knowledge. not more than you for certain. i suppose when you've gotten to the point that jesse has, you haven't got many options left to do something positive... "dropping out' of a dysfunctional 'game' " is very well probably the only thing he can do while keep his life and family... i was surprised that he even made a show with a name like "conspiracy theories" (then drafted up the fear mongering aspect for the government).

i do believe more can be done however, maybe not necessarily from those characters... and i do believe we can still win. we need to believe we can win though.
hi guys,,,
nice discussion is going on ,,,,
i really enjoyed it,,,, and also
helpful for me ,,,
it should be helpful for every one,,,
Amongst the 'drugs' cannabis is still the most popular, followed by Ecstasy and cocaine. Ecstasy use was most widespread in 1998, but since then this has decreased significantly. Nowadays it's only taken on 'special occasions'. Eight out of ten club visitors sticks to alcohol, or at most smokes a joint.
Amongst the 'drugs' cannabis is still the most popular, followed by Ecstasy and cocaine. Ecstasy use was most widespread in 1998, but since then this has decreased significantly. Nowadays it's only taken on 'special occasions'. Eight out of ten club visitors sticks to alcohol, or at most smokes a joint.
What if every citizen chose to protest the system by refusing to file their taxes? Would they put everyone in jail?..
a noble sentiment but when you have a country like this, where the most priveleged have the most power, it wont work, they are too good at keeping us at each others' throats with this bullshit 'democracy'

we, as a country cant agree on anything.

Millions of people in this country don't 'believe in' global warming

we cant agree on whether or not religion should be in government

this is an idiocracy of the most supreme order

I am truly ashamed to say I am an American :cry:
anyone who has ever been here will tell you that it ALREADY feels like a giant military base, the whole fucking state

there's a real good reason that the regional HQ for Fatherland, er, Homeland Security is here in my state

the real kicker?

These people down here LOVE that shit