Japanese airport hands out free dope

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Cannabis blunder at Tokyo airport

An unwitting passenger arriving at Japan's Narita airport has received 142g of cannabis after a customs test went awry, officials say. A customs officer hid a package of the banned substance in a side pocket of a randomly chosen suitcase in order to test airport security.

Sniffer dogs failed to detect the cannabis and the officer could not remember which bag he had put it in. Anyone finding the package has been asked to contact customs officials.

"This case was extremely regrettable. I would like to deeply apologise," said Narita International Airport's customs head Manpei Tanaka.


Strict laws

The customs officer conducted the test on a passenger's bag against regulations. Normally a training suitcase is used.

"I knew that using passengers' bags is prohibited, but I did it because I wanted to improve the sniffer dog's ability," the officer was quoted as saying. "The dogs have always been able to find it before... I became overconfident that it would work," he said.

Japan has strict laws against drugs and possession of small amounts of cannabis can lead to a prison sentence.

From: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7419969.stm]BBC News
Maybe we should train dogs that can only smell 'some' illegal substances, start a company to train these dogs and spread them around the globe, enabling other illegal substances to cross borders! 8)
hehe that's a nice idea... but you could also synthesize a dog drug which would make them tripping as soon as they smell the drug and you just needed to take it with you. :D
Or everybody should just put a little cat urine on their bags.

If the dogs start barking at every bag they sniff on they become pretty useless. So if you have a cat, feel free to give some cat urine away...
Mycophile a dit:
Or everybody should just put a little cat urine on their bags.

If the dogs start barking at every bag they sniff on they become pretty useless. So if you have a cat, feel free to give some cat urine away...

Get a spray can with cat urine and spray every bag in sight, especially those in your own line.

Or spray the dogs directly.

Or the people who watch the dogs.

Or put a cat in your suitcase.
Put food on top of your bag and weed on the bottom :wink:
But who knows which part of your suitcase will be on top? Maybe we should drop a bag of weed inside some fluid inside your suitcase. It will automatically sink.

Covering up smells doesn't work. Dogs can sniff different smells at the same time, just like we can hear different notes in a chord.
^yes but the cops will think the dog is excited about the food (best use some meat), and chances are high the dog will be :wink:

Weed is just soo hard to smuggle :p
Wow... I'll check my suitcase again, maybe I just didn't notice the 142 grammes ;)
Smart dog!

We need more of those ;)

Reminds me of the legendary song by Joint Venture about Eduard the hashish-dog (orig. German title: "Eduard der Haschischhund").
Eduard the police dog always finds the shit in people's bags, until one day he eats from it. Then he realizes that hashish is good for people (and dogs) and walks away with the next best freak he is supposed to search. The guy calls him "Abraxas" and he becomes a hero because he is able to find hashish everywhere they go :)