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It's official: Cannabis is good for your skin!

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
9 628
Nothing new about this. I've seen Cannabis sativa listed as one of the ingredients in many of the natural cosmetics I sell in my shop. And it seems cannabis oil has been used to treat skin conditions for thousands of years (see link at the bottom). But it's always nice if such findings are confirmed in the laboratory and then even broadcast by the folks of FoxNews.

Hemp for victory!

Marijuana: Future Wonder Drug For Beauty?
Researchers have found that a chemical in marijuana aka cannabis could be a miracle cure for acne and other skin problems.

Scientists from Hungary, Germany and the U.K. have discovered that our own body not only makes chemical compounds similar to the active ingredient in marijuana (THC), but these play an important part in maintaining healthy skin. This finding on “endocannabinoids
Make your own cannabis salf:

Heat 100mL vaseline au bain marie and add 3 grams of bud or 7 grams of cutting trash (?) for at least 10 hours. Sieve and pour it back into the vaseline jar.
Stays good for 2.5 years. An allergic response is possible, so be careful the first time.

source (dutch): http://zapruder.nl/portal/artikel/huidp ... nabiszalf/

Vaseline is not good for the skin though. It may give some temporary relief, but to help the skin recover fully it's better to make a cannabis skin product on the basis of natural oils, like almond, olive, jojoba, evening primrose or calendula oil. The downside of such natural oils is that you cannot keep them for long (Vaseline you can keep for ages), so you have to make smaller batches and use some sort of conserving agent.
Created a separate thread for the BIG idea of a private thread:
