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It doesn't work for me

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Dennisz
  • Date de début Date de début


This is the 3th time I took mushrooms. This time 35 gr. colombian paddo's fresh ( from a well-known Amsterdam smartshop). My stomach was empty, I chewed long :frown:. Now it's two hours later, and I don't feel A THING!!!! What's wrong with me?
Isn't there a NLlegal substance that can really make me hallucinate? I've had it with waiting for a "promised" trip.
Well, I stick to alcohol and cannabis for now ( which can make you crazy, but not hallucinating. I SO want to experience the trips one reads about)
There's enough stuff like Peyote, DMT, Salvia, Morning glory, but mushrooms is a good starters.
some people have a high tolerance,
one bag of fresh columbians like you ate , wouldn't make me trip much either, i'de see some trailing and some weak closed eyes fractal stuff, nothing more

you do have to eat the whole bag in one go, if you eat em in seperate batches, it won't work , psylocibine and lsd for that matter require the inital hit to be good
followups do not work.
this is described in Hoffmanns book, lsd my problem child

if i up the dose on those puppies, and dry em then i do get a lot further out there, although nothing as intense as with some high power lsd blotter...
indeed maybe a tolerance - well - if you want to investigate that part - be smart en upgrade your doses not with too many shrooms.

first i would stick to a normal portion. get some hawaîns. make your home very cosy. put on some tribal chill music. and keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.

also maybe best to have a friend with you. but like i said - keep conversation at it's lowest. mental noise moves like a curtain over the truth of the mushroom.

(don't judge the experience or life - let it all come over you)
In my experience the shrooms work better and the onset is faster if you dry them, cut them into little pieces and make a tea. Let it soak for 20 minutes, then drink the tea and eat the pieces.

35g would work for me (=I'd feel something), but not very strong. 60g is better start for a real trip. I had a ground-breaking ego-dissolving trip recently on 14 shrooms (don't know the weight, but I guess it was at least 10g dried) that I never believed you could have on shrooms.

Also the intensity of the shrooms can be very different. In my experience the commercially sold shrooms are less strong (they grow big and fast, but that's it). The shrooms you get from your own grow box are pretty strong (though I never had any other grow boxes than the azarius box)
hi everyone.

ive only recently started to do shrooms, and so far the most i took was about 1.3g dried mexicans.
It was an intense trip but without many visuals, apart from the colors that were brighter.

It was more a psichological thing, i really felt in the twilight zone or in a painting of picasso (like the Guernica one) or in a Salvador Dali painting and my body felt very light.

As i said, I FELT as if i was in a diferent world, but had no substancial visuals.

Im a bit afraid to take heavier dosage for i don't know if one can have a shroom overdose. Anyone ever heard of a shroom overdose (without combining the shrooms with alcool or other stuff) ?
it is possible to od from mushrooms
although very unlikely

psylocibin has a really high LD50 dose
one that is unlikely to happen with recreational use and eating mushrooms containing the stuff

you'de need a pure chemical dose to od on the stuff
10-12g of dried shrooms is a very common dose for experienced trippers who like to get a mighty strong trip - so don't worry about physical damage.

More than that Zauberpilz.com has the following info: "To reach a lethal dose you will need 7kg (at 1% psilocybin) to 14kg (at 0,5% Psilocybin) fresh mushrooms."
I'd like to see you eat 7 kilograms of fresh shrooms ;)

The trip is almost always a much more psychological thing - I find that much more interesting than the visuals. If I want to see rotating colors I don't need mushrooms, I can just as well watch a Winamp plugin on my computer screen

In my opinion the important things are the feeling, the understanding, the "seeing things differently", not some rotating colored circles...

I once saw everything glowing orange on a ~6g mushroom tea, but the best thing at this point was that I was feeling like I'd burst from energy any moment - fuck the glowing orange light, the feeling is what is important
My toughts too :)

in my first trip i felt so gooood, everything was so beautifull and i felt a inner peace and harmony with the world as i never felt before :grin:

also like the sense of being half dreaming and feeling myself in diferent places :grin: :roller:
Excuse me guys, I fell for it again and bought 10 gr. Thai mushrooms. " the best, the strongest" according to the shop. I guess it sounds a little pathetic, but I thought, what the heck, let's try it ONCE more, next week my holidays are over. Ate nothing all day, took them at 2000 (mmmm, again jummy :huh: ,but I chewed long). All I felt was some vague sense of wellbeing, but that was also due to some cannabis and very black chocolate I took after 2 hrs. I felt a little pacifist, a little peace with the world, but I did NOT see things really different, neither literally nor metaforical. I guess I'm imune. I guess I have 3 options:
1- give up
2- higher dose...one "trip, portion" of any paddo's cost me between 12 and 16 Euro. :ooo:
3- dry them. For some reason I don't understand its perfectly legal to sell fresh mushrooms in the Netherlands, but a crime to sell them dried. I could dry them myself but I'm not a very patient person. It won't solve the cost problem either, all you loose is water ? :think:
I forgot a fourth: go to the woods, find some of those white dotted red funghus, eat five, wait what happens... :dead:
Other ideas stay welcome, also on [email:2nztad0b][email protected][/email:2nztad0b]
its not hard to dry shrooms.

just leave them for 1 or 2 days on the top of your computer screen... :)
The red and white srooms are fly agaric (amanita muscaria) the trip of fly agaric is completely different than of "ordinary" srooms. perhaps you should try them and see if you get a trip of them.
Dried shrooms don't really get stronger - I only think they come faster and more at once when made into a tea compared to fresh shrooms.
If you worry about the price, you can always get a growbox. It's much cheaper and not very difficult to grow.

find some of those white dotted red funghus, eat five, wait what happens...
AFAIK five fly agaric mushrooms would be a monster dose of a totally different mushroom. If you prepare them wrong or if you get the wrong variety you could kill yourself (the fly agaric are more dangerous than psilocybe shrooms).

If you try fly agaric, I'd rather not start with a monster dose of 5 mushrooms - the ingredients are totally different, and maybe you react, unlike with psilocybin, normal to muscimol. In that case 5 amanita muscaria mushrooms would give you the most extreme near-death-experience, not exactly good if you're unprepared and never had lower doses before...
If you are taking antidepressants, most of which have a chemical structure very similar to psilocybin, you will have built up a strong tolerance and it will be very difficult to trip. Moreover, the way these chemicals interact in your system is unpredictible. If you megadose in order to inspire a trip, you stand a very good chance of having a bad experience.

My opinion of antidepressants is not very favorable. I took them for years before I learned of the many dangers they present. Moreover, withdrawal from most of them is a difficult process. It needs to be done slowly over a long period of time, or it can provoke some very nasty reactions. Initially, when you start to withdraw, you will experience some ugly moods and other things that will serve to confirm in your mind that you "need" the drugs. Convenient for the pharmaceutical firms, no? These initial reactions are simply withdrawal responses, caused by the drug, and which your doctor undoubtedly failed to tell you about when putting you on the drug in the first place. Take your time, get off the anti-depressants and deal with the depression via talk therapy, exposure to sunshine, plenty of water and daily exercize. That will, in most cases, actually cure the depression, whereas the drugs simply mask the symptoms.

Wait until you've been off any kind of SSRI for a month or more, AND have the right mood. Mushrooms will amplify your mood, so don't ever trip in an effort to feel better or escape from unpleasant surroundings. I can't emphasize that enough, especially for someone with chronic, clinical depression. They will NOT make you feel better if you're depressed.

Shrooms also have a built-in defense against being abused. If you try to trip frequently, you'll find you have less and less effect from taking more and more shrooms. The shroom knows best . . . space those trips out, and allow yourself time to integrate what you learned from one trip before trying to take another.