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Is marijuana found in the wild?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Brugmansia
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 372
Just wondering. Are there still any area's in the world where it sprouds naturally?

If not, what happened and till when did it had it's natural cultivation?
I've been told it does but im not sure where..
it used to grow as a weed so surely somewhere it still grows naturally
I've seen it growing in the wild in north India. And lots of it... Unfortunately it was not the time of the year to harvest.
yes, I found some in nepal as well.
Yes Mycophile is right. When my mother went to India 2 years ago, she saw loads of cannabis plants growing in the wild as well.
it grows wild in Israel

every year i find a good number of plants
Kazachstan, where it comes from
I've seen quite a few on the sides of the road in Vrindavan, India.
Kansas and Nebraska, among other places in the USA.

Most of this cannabis is basically hemp, from WW2 era farming efforts, paid for by the government.
I've seen it growing in downtown Islamabad (Pakistan). Plants that were over 2 meters high. I've seen it in Northern India as well.
There's some growing in Washington (in the wild)

For the most part though-- it's grown in either labs or out of people's homes.
Yes is a normal plant, Is not created by the men.
i saw a documentary that had a bit in where someone went to tibet and found some growing in the wild
It grows wild in Bhutan and is apparently used there as feed for pigs, now that's some bacon I'd like to eat :D
its just a plant.. just like every other plant.. produces seeds, germinates, and grows in soil..

one should make distinction between hemp and marihuana. A lot of strains growing in the wild are not psycho-active.