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Is cocaine only real cocaine if it numbs your gums

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I brought a g and it did not numb my gums so I was wondering if I got ripped off I have no experience with cocaine but I thought it was supposed to numb your gums if you rubed a bit on them?
It could be lidocaïne too i think
I need to know whether real cocaine numbs your gumbs or not
iirc lidocaïne numbs your gums too, I thought it's used as an anesthetic too (Lidocaïne that is). Maybe you got ripped off and sold speed for cocaïne (or worse baking powder)?
"I need to know whether real cocaine numbs your gumbs or not"

Yes . But not like lidocain and other cains . The numb from them is a more fast acting freeze , hard , cold and metalic wich comes on in a few seconds . The numb from coke is rounder , warm/cold and it tastes bitter and sort of earthy / dusty / rooty and takes a few minutes to come on fully . After a few noses your skin around your nose feels smooth and a little stretched . You feel fresh and awake and breathing is a pleasure , like breathing a cool , fresh , mountain breeze . As if sudenly the air you breath is saturated with oxygen .

To test if your sample is real cocaine and not pharmaceutical cocaine , make a saturated solution of cocaine in water then add a few drops of concentrated ammonia and stir vigerously for 5 minutes . If the solution turns milky its real coke , if crystals apear on the stiring rod and sides of the glass and it doesnt go milky it pharmaceutical .

Quality tests :-

It should not smell of chemicals or solvents .

If it has "rocks" , "flakes" or lumps in it dont buy it . The only people who make rocks or flakes are realy rich people who want to make themselves , and maybe their friends , an elitist product . The only reason that your product has lumps in it is because it has been cut badly and then pressed . Making real rocks or flakes costs money and only very rich people throw that sort of money around .

Take a pinch between your fingers . Hold it for a few seconds . It should melt and feel like butter . If it doesnt , or if it feels gritty its shit .

Put some on some tin foil , burn the foil off first as it has a coating that evaporates at high temperatures and is poisonous . Then melt the coke with a flame . It should evaporate leaving an amber to dark brown stain but no resedue . If you rub your finger over the stain you should not get any stain on your finger . If its real coke thew fumes that come of it when heated on the foil from underneath will also ignite if you put a lighter to them .

If you get a glass of water and drop a pinch of your powder on top of it and observe it . the powder should all react the same . At first it sits for about 1/10 of a second and then it will disolve very fast and start to sink , not in a straight line , swinging a little from side to side , maybe spiraling slowly . It leaves a transparent / opaque trail behind it . Everything that dances on the top of the water , or doesnt disolve , or disolves without a trail is not coke . If you dont want to waste anything drink the water .

Mix a pinch of coke with a few mls of water and add a few drops of tincture of iodine and shake well , if it turns indigo blue it has been cut with starch . Dont drink this .

If you get another glass of water and mix some chlorine into it you can drop a little of your powder on to it . It should sit for 5 - 15 seconds and then sink with the usual milky trail and disolve on or before reaching the bottom of the glass . Everything that sinks with red - orange trails are synthetic cains . DO NOT DRINK THIS , THROW IT AWAY .

Take a big teflon spoon and fill it 75% with 100% methanol and drop a bit of coke on to it . Good coke disolves completely within 5 seconds . Sugars dont disolve in methanol so you can see them if they are there after the coke disolves .

To clean it up :-

Dry it in a descator with magnesium sulfate , or similar , and powder it .

Wash it with 100% cold methanol and then filter it , throw the filter away and evaporate the alcohol to get cleaner coke .

Wash the coke with benzine , filter it and dry what remains in the filter .

Wash the coke with ether , filter it and throw the filter away .

Wash the coke with aceton , filter it and throw the filter away .

Wash the coke with 30ml chlorophorm per gram and filter it . Throw the filter away . This works but you loose a bit of coke .

Then mix it with water , base it , wash it with benzine , separate the benzine layer and evaporate it off . = now you have real coke base . Mix it with water and add 8 - 12% hydrochloric acid per unit of coke carefully untill all the base disolves and evaporate the water off .
Thanks Guys
For giving me all that helpful info does anyone have a friend that can supply LSD? I hope I have not broken any rules by asking for a source if so please delete this poat ASAP
GOD a dit:
"I need to know whether real cocaine numbs your gumbs or not"
... .

Very usefull, thank you. I posted on some cut with strange reaction can you comment it ? I hope it is starch !! Even shit, it is less dangerous that what I thought !