Is alcohol Britain's most dangerous drug?

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Is alcohol Britain's most dangerous drug? A team of scientists has spent two years analysing the effects of twenty widely used drugs.

A new TV programm called "Britain's Most Dangerous Drug" "Is alcohol worse than ecstasy"(Duration: 50 minutes), from the BBC Horizon science series on the scale of harms of different drugs, arising from the recent article in the Lancet by Nutt et al.(2007)was aired last Wednesday (6th Feb) on BBC2 in the UK . The iplayer video wich is only available for downloaders in the UK until Wednesay 13th Feb can be downloaded here :-
Nice, I'll check it out on wednesday.
Full-on infowars!
I'll just answer the question before seeing the show: Yes alcohol is britains worst drug!
Might give this a watch anyway though :P
Seen it, but not really interesting. It is kind of hard to find out why certain drugs are more dangerous than others, i.e. what the scientists used as a measure in their study.
Forkbender a dit:
It is kind of hard to find out why certain drugs are more dangerous than others, i.e. what the scientists used as a measure in their study.

That's the problem with almost all studies, or at least what the media presents as truth from studies...
Britain is Britains most dangerous drug.
silv a dit:
I'll just answer the question before seeing the show: Yes alcohol is britains worst drug!

Same for Holland :wink:
There are here as many alcoholic's as heroin addicts in rehab.
We also have a lot of alcohol dealers here, you find them in almost every street, or even a whole street full of them!
There are here as many alcoholic']

And as less people use heroin this gives that heroin is worse :wink:

People should watch out for small mistakes in writing/documentary/...
I saw Zeitgeist and was annoyed about some things that were wrong or twisted... Zeitgeist was interesting tho...

But it's things like these a christian politician will use to bring this to the ground...
Also it damages credibility
Meduzz a dit:
There are here as many alcoholic']

And as less people use heroin this gives that heroin is worse :wink:

True. Thanks for adding this.
Good one to show how addictive heroine is.
Dutch numbers 2002

30000 people addicted to harddrugs.
800000 people who have a problem with alcohol or are addicted.
600000 people who use prescription meds chronically.
Some German statistics :-

The population of Germany is approximately 82,438,000

16,000,000 tabaco adicts
2,000,000 alcohol adicts
1,900,000 prescription medicines adicts
2,000,000 people in danger of becoming adicted to prescription medicines
30,000 people die each year from prescription medicines
The damage done to the economy because of the problems with prescription medicines is 14,000,000,000 Euros
There are more women that have problems with prescription medicines than men

In 2006 1296 people died from "illegal" drugs
In the regions that have a liberal aproach to "illegal"" drugs the problems are going down and in the areas that have a hard aproach the problems are going up .
My father died 19 hours ago at age 63, due to liver and kidney failure, resulting from decades of alcohol abuse. He died in the hands of me and my brother. We had to travel quite a distance, and the doctor said he might not make it until our arrival, but since I was still buzzing from some chronic and DMT, and had seen the stars, I was sure we would arrive in time, which we did. He was all yellow, smelled terrible and his eyes were swollen. We smiled, we held hands, I made a simple joke he could still understand, sang a phrase from an old Genesis song ("A flower?!") and then he breathed his last. Rest in peace dad. You were a great guy, doing the wrong drugs. I'll miss you.
My condolences . Strength to you , i just said a prayer for you all . Please feel a cosmic telepathic hug . Keep your head up and look after yourself .
