Interview with Robert Tindall

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
This week published an interview with the author of The Jaguar that Roams the Mind, a book describing Robert Tindall's extensive experience with Amazonian shamanism. With a foreword by Mark Plotkin and co-authored with Robert's partner Susana Bustos, The Jaguar that Roams the Mind is a journey into the vanishing world of Amazonian shamanism that explores the unique reality at the heart of the Amazonian healing system. Robert Tindall shares his journeys through the inner and outer landscape of the churches of ayahuasca and with the Kaxinawa Indians in Brazil; his experiences at the pioneering center for the treatment of addiction, Takiwasi, in Peru; and his studies with an Ashaninca master shaman deep in the rainforest jungle.

Ivar Verploegh, who sometimes goes by the name Caduceus Mercurius, sent Robert a couple of questions, which Susana and Robert answered by email.

You can find the interview here: