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Internet's 30th birthday

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Bastiaan
  • Date de début Date de début


Sale drogué·e
The ground work for the internet took place in 1969.
There are two dates that may be argued for it's birth date, 1 being the first time information was send via a router I think and the other one I can't remeber.
The one of these two I found most significant occured october 29, 1969.

The day after tomorrow is internet's 40th birthday! (excuse me, it's 40th! title is wrong)

I perceive the internet to be the most recent major step in evolution and thus imho this calls for a celebration!
Synchronised hyperspace event anyone? ;D
LSD will likely be my substance of choice for this date but I should be able to fit in some DMT :P
Another reason to celebrate! :P 8)
I'll give you a thought :D
Happy Birthday! Both to the internet and you! I'll throw some psilocybin into the mix for extended celebration :)