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Interested In the Psychedelic side.

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Glandeuse Pinéale
I have always been fascinated in the the psychedelic properties of cannabis. I can remember only on several occasions were i was so stoned i experienced open eye visuals. Same goes with closed eye, the most intense was when i closed my eyes and i was in a movie theater watching major pain. It was almost like lucid dreaming.

Anyways, I want know a sure fire way to unleash the psychedelic properties of cannabis. I know that oral ingestion would be my best bet, but could anyone tell me a technique/recipe that they already know?
Abstinence for about a month, then smoking lots of BIG HITS with some time in between (vaporizer, waterpipe), go on and go on untill you think your heart explodes. Then sit back, drink some water, and meditate.

Do this alone, because it's very psychedelic and nervousness is quite normal the first hour.

You can also do an oral ingestion with baking eggs, butter or other animal fats (cake). Be aware that an extreme dose (grams of quality weed) after long-term abstinence, wellprepared or baked, can last up to 48 hours. Psychotic episodes, confusion, black outs, racing thoughts, inability to structure thoughts can occur.

The last thing is not recommended too frequently, it is really long-lasting and way too drowsy, but if you lay down, you won't get any relaxtion. It's just tripping. Fantasy is greatly enhanced to almost lucid. Sexually I reached an orgasm without touching anything, just meditation. I could stimulate ero zones through the mind.

Cannabis can be used in many ways, an ignorant daily smoker who mixes stuff with tobacco, will hardly believe the true possibilities.
Thanks bro. Ya I can attest and say that my last psychedelic experience with the budda was after a 5 month sobriety period. Lots of colored fractals.

If you say that a large oral ingestion is not enjoyable as it sounds maybe smokin is the way to go.
Brugmansia, have you tried the "big hits method" in the context of daily smoking as well? It seems that the most important thing is a determination to smoke a lot within a short period of time, rather than abstaining first. It seems, based on how cannabis functions, that psychedelic experiences can be attained by all, even those who smoke/vaporize regularly. I get stoned quite regularly, but there are still times when I have the opportunity to vaporize much more than I usually do (on free days for example), and I become much more stoned than I normally am, with significantly stronger closed-eye visuals, sense of dizziness, racing thoughts etc.
Sexually I reached an orgasm without touching anything, just meditation. I could stimulate ero zones through the mind.
I also feel the increased bodily awareness on cannabis. Interesting.

I am no doctor but my experience with oral doses was fairly...not negative...but...you know I tell ya: I have a quite low blood pressure and weed lowers it. I therefore kept passing out - losing the trail of thought absolutely, partially directly flowing into DreamLand but without any memory of it. As I said, I am not doctor and cannot really "blame" it on the blood pressure. I don't really like weed on too high doses, in medium/low doses it seems to be best to reflect, gain insight without losing it. May be personal.
alphasnail a dit:
If you say that a large oral ingestion is not enjoyable as it sounds maybe smokin is the way to go.

It is enjoyable, but orally it can be a bit difficult to dose heavy without reaching too heavy, too heavy results in numbness and less connection with body senses. But it'll subside and later on there's still the intended level.

Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Brugmansia, have you tried the "big hits method" in the context of daily smoking as well? It seems that the most important thing is a determination to smoke a lot within a short period of time, rather than abstaining first.

I'd have to disagree, I experience a psychological tolerance to cannabis relatively quick. After not doing it for about 2 weeks, it kicks in with much more intensity, and the high is much more like the naive days. This is even greater with one month.

I do agree that despite daily smoking, you can still put yourself into a deeper state than usual by doing much more, but to me it doesn't compare with doing lots at once after a period of desertion.
I dont agree, its all about the tolerance level, the less is more

Once u have smoked a big hit, the rest of the day u will have to smoke just big hits or even bigger to gain psychedelic aspects.

The trick is to start with really tiny piece, the high also comes in waves, and u dont want to crash your high, with beginning a new one.

A lot of nice information about this is written in this book
Ive never experienced visuals on thc, Ive felt almost drunk from honey-oil like my first smoke session. But no closed eye visuals non for my best friend either, one guy claimed he did, but he had super paranoia when ever we smoked herb one time he screamed for his grandma and said he felt like he was dying, we smoked one bowl 3 of us with a bit o hash on top.
Caduceus Mercurius a dit:
Brugmansia, have you tried the "big hits method" in the context of daily smoking as well? It seems that the most important thing is a determination to smoke a lot within a short period of time, rather than abstaining first.

That's what works for me.

To get psychedelic effects from pot.. you have to treat it like a psychedelic. You have to know your intended dose and take it all right off the bat. If you spread it out too much in little hits, you'll get some effects, but never get even remotely close to the same place. Gee I'll take half a gram of cubensis every 45 mins or so.. nope that doesn't work. Same with THC.

I think you can actually go farther with it after you've done it a few times as well. There's a pretty high body load to the THC trip and some people panic, not realizing that if they just relaxed there's actually a lot of cool shit going on. When I first started toking this way I couldn't handle taking a few big hits in a row without having to lay down, now it's not such a problem at all.

Having done it everyday for a few weeks in a row at times (last time I used cannabis this much in a row was about a year ago) it still works, but I personally find after a week or 2 of a break it is surprising how much the psychedelic aspects are multiplied.

Once u have smoked a big hit, the rest of the day u will have to smoke just big hits or even bigger to gain psychedelic aspects.

You smoke enough right off the bat that you're going to be high for the next 12+ hours, there's no need to smoke again for many hours if at all.
Brugmansia a dit:
It is enjoyable, but orally it can be a bit difficult to dose heavy without reaching too heavy, too heavy results in numbness and less connection with body senses. But it'll subside and later on there's still the intended level.

Yes i know, i was referring to high doses when i was saying that. Hmmm... you say its hard to gauge the dosage. Maybe an method that can be used to gauge the dose is just by spacing out the total ingestion. eat a certain amount, and a hour later eat a lil more, and work ur way up to a level that you are most comfortable with?

Also people keep mentioning the big hit method. Funny they say this, cuz I am now reminded of the first time i ever smoked out of a gravity bong. So correcting myself i say that the being the most psychedelic experience with THC. My friend had a skill of making large gravities. The bowl could hold roughly 7grams and after 2 hits i was completley blinded by colors cuz we were outside at night. Falling and stumbling, I remember being a total state of panic.

lol i cant believe i forgot that day happened. And no their was nothing in the weed, my friend was fine smoking out of it.
alphasnail a dit:
Yes i know, i was referring to high doses when i was saying that. Hmmm... you say its hard to gauge the dosage. Maybe an method that can be used to gauge the dose is just by spacing out the total ingestion. eat a certain amount, and a hour later eat a lil more, and work ur way up to a level that you are most comfortable with?

The thing about the oral route is that the comeup can take over three hours, and generally, the longer the comeup, the more intense the experience. Also the psychedelic/hallucinogenic effects might not be felt for at least 90 mins, sometimes over 2 hours. So spacing it out could be rather difficult. Probably just better to start with a modest dosage like .25g or something and see how that sits with you, then try more the next time, etc.
It is possible if you think of it as a psychedelic. I find meditating with Cannabis a bit hard since when I'm on it I want to do 100 things at once. Watch tv, color, listen to music, play music-- etc. It gives me temporary adhd--- but the visuals produced by THC are quite amazing. Most people black out and ignore the visuals as just regular dreaming-- but if you think of Cannabis as a psychedelic and meditate on it-- it's great. I've only been able to truly meditate while on Cannabis about twice. It was very interesting. For the most part I just smoke and watch a movie, or play a video game.
Jeniger a dit:
The trick is to start with really tiny piece, the high also comes in waves, and u dont want to crash your high, with beginning a new one.

I used to only feel the 'waves' when I was first smoking (was pure leaf, not sure if it made a difference) I found it really enjoyable to become completely sober for 30 seconds only to plunge back in.

These days when I smoke it's bud and always has some amount of tobacco mixed. Does anyone feel these waves and if you do, what do you think brings it on?
I started smoking about three years ago and the first few times I did it produced full blown mystical experiences. open and closed eye visuals, distortions of all sorts, cosmic revelations, divine ecstasies, consciousness expansion, etc. I literally would learn more in single sessions about myself and the world in general than in my entire life since. when I read about LSD and psilocybin experiences back then I noticed they were almost identical. also, these experienced were achieved with very low doses (about three puffs).

now this period lasted about three months of smoking once a week on average. I proceeded to abstain from cannabis for two years, for whatever reason. since then I started again about 8 months ago and am pretty disappointed that my experiences at this point in my life are extremely weak compared to back then. I smoke an entire joint these days and have a nice experience with great mystical properties and moderately mild closed eye visuals but NOTHING like before. this is very interesting to me and I'm wondering if this phenomena has happened to anyone else. I almost feel as if this is happening because my subconscious is sort of ready and knows the effects and can deal with them much more sufficiently than before.
This is great advice for me, the psychedelic effects are what I'm really interested in, but I've been having trouble getting them recently. But I guess it's because recently I've been smoking a lot over a long period of time, like 45 minutes to an hour. Tonight I'm going to try to just have a ton in a short period of time and see what that does for me.
Yea, you can never get back to the beauty of the first times.
If you don't find it helps smoking a large amount in a short period (it should at least a bit) your best option is to take a break to let all the THC and other cannabinoids out of your system.

I believe the optimal break time is 2 to 4 months, but I know if you're a regular smoker this can be quite tough to go without any for so long. I've noticed after daily smoking, the psychedelic effects start to come back after 7 days break, and of course the more time, the more effects will come back.

I've also noticed smoking in a new environment helps, somewhere you've never smoked before. And like you said, smoke as much as you can in as short as time as possible.
When I first started smoking cannabis I would be puzzled that nobody else was tripping out like I was. I would see things. Closed and open eyed, massive visual distortions. All sorts of revelations about life and the universe. This went away after regular use.

The strongest ever experience I had with cannabis was with an extract of 20g+. Wow. Hours of divine revelations, felt like I was god. Tears flowing freely in joy for hours. I learned a lot that day and it was easily one of my most enjoyable and maybe even most intense psychedelic experiences. But it was intense in a good way, I didn't have any fear or anxiety like I do with lsd/psilo.
Snurry a dit:
Jeniger a dit:
The trick is to start with really tiny piece, the high also comes in waves, and u dont want to crash your high, with beginning a new one.

I used to only feel the 'waves' when I was first smoking (was pure leaf, not sure if it made a difference) I found it really enjoyable to become completely sober for 30 seconds only to plunge back in.

These days when I smoke it's bud and always has some amount of tobacco mixed. Does anyone feel these waves and if you do, what do you think brings it on?

For me tabacco completly destroys those waves, and only works with pure leaf, and offcourse only when u are not addicted to nicotine anymore.
So you find there is no way to get the waves with bud?
I just find even with a low tolerance (2weeks to a month break) leaf is too weak to get me absorbed in the high. It seems to just calm me and stop my thoughts now.

Do you still get these waves after years of smoking, or are you still in those initial highs?
Well personally for me it doesnt work with tabacco, I have smoked weed with tabbacco for 5 years and another 3 years pure leaf, and just in the last 3 years i experienced the waves. Actually since i started smoking i never skipped one day,.. and actually i think i get a lot more psychedelics effect out of it then before. I feel a completely balance between the plant and my body and preventing to destruct it.(both the plant and my body by a semi vaporise style) Every first toke in the morning feels like i am getting high for the first time again.

When i smoke a joint with tabacco now from friends, i really have to take care....Just a few tokes because the border between a nice high and getting sick is really small.