i took piano lessons and church organ lessons (my favourite instrument, the king of them all - you have to play it once with an orchestra and a full choir to know what i mean). i haven't had more lessons, but i learned to play many instruments with another players, and some of them by myself:
-digeridoo (i have two, one in bamboo and another one in pine)
- a strat guitar, that is currently under strong modifications (i am a DIY freak and like to do things by myself)
- a explorer guitar, by epiphone (great sound, i liked it over several gibsons, and it is made in korina, a nice wood with GREAT tone)
- a roland keyboard, juno-d model (i carried it everywhere, it played in the biggest arenas in portugal, so i am very attached to it)
- a clavinova, by yamaha, made in the 80's, where i learned to play - a great touch-sensitive keyboard, even by today's standards
- a 5 string bass, by washburn, very, very versatile
- a fender bass combo (100W)
- a roland all-rounder combo (120W)
- a vintage found-in-the-garbage combo from the 70's, with modified electronics so it was simpler to use
- hand made guitar that i bought in madrid (had to starve for a month to buy it. i only ate rice and things i used to find in a garbage can near a restaurant. god did i love the grilled squids!!)
- a steel-string guitar
- a custom drum set (2 toms, 22' bass drum, two snares, a ride, a china and hi-hats)
- custom cymbals that i made from pieces of metal i found in the place where old cars go (can't remember the name)
- a djembé bought in morrocco
- a darbouka
- small djembé
- a lute from congo
- an old federal republic of germany (don't know if this is correct) instrument, don't know how it is called. it has several strings which you tune and hit with a drum stick, or pluck with a feather.
- a banjo
- many, many orff instruments
- many stuff that is used to make noises, like bottles, garbage-found things, all organized as a percussion-set (easier to play, many sounds available)
- a boss GT8
- line6 POD (the first version of all, had an IC burned and a broken female jack which i both sucessfully managed to replace and now it is working at 100%. i think it was built around 97-99 and IMHO, line6 never managed to top this little kidney-shaped machine...the dynamics are simply suberb)
- behringer compressor/gate/expander/peak limiter (1U rack version)
- a DIY volume pedal (there's a photo in the "your creative work" thread on this forum. it works great, very transparent)
- a DIY serial looper with personal adjustments (tuner out, blend knob, ABY box, can work with 4 different combos at the same time with different effects i want in each one)
- a DIY parallel looper, which is great to mix different effects (each send/return with a volume pedal, which ables one to mix different effects into a single out)
- behringer bass v-amp (i think this is the correct name, can't recall)
- a "berimbau", brazilian instrument
- two jews harp (also called "berimbau" in some regions of africa)
i am also building an electric guitar which has a very unique design, perhaps i will be able to finish it before the summer is over, i'll show it to you as soon as it is done. it will have a fender custom shop pickup (single coil), and the body will be inspired in electric double-basses, very portable, small, durable and great tone. it will also be tuned in drop C, fretless and with a nice vibratot (whammy bar).
i also have some custom pedal projects, but the money is short, and an effect pedal built from scratch is always expensive. if anyone here happens to get hold of an old turntable, or a needle, or something that can read a vinyl, please tell me that we'll make a deal!