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In between feeing?

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Glandeuse Pinéale
Hry Guys,

I'vedone musrooms 5 times now.

The first time 1/2 portion Mexican, and afte 2 hours i tok the other half,it was a great expierice

The second time I took a whole portion of mexican and again a good time!

The third time a took a whole portion hawaian, this was the most intense trip i ever made and lasted for 6 hours! But still it was great.

The last two times a took both 1/2 portion of mexica cubensis. The thing was thatduring the whol trip Ihad a very restles feeling in my stomach, i didn't feelcomfortable at all, it wasn't that i was going bad, but just a restless feeling i didn't like, which was hard to get rid of!

Is this te what you call the in betw feeling?
Or was my mind strugling with problems?
have no idea hat it was.

I'm thinking of doing 1/2 hit of acid this weekend, can i get this in between feeling also with acid? Is it maybe beter to do a full hit ten?

thanks in advance for answering the questions!
I would say this is the in between feeling.
I've never had that with LSD although I've had some trouble getting into a trip once, but once it fully started the anxious feeling was gone.

But the in between feeling is the reason I won't take any less then 50 grams fresh or 4,5 grams dried (in case of cubensis)
I dislike the inbetween feeling.

The trick is (usually) to not be waiting for something to happen, once you get anxious it's hard to lose that feeling (in my experience).
You can bypass that by making tea, then it works much faster, but also shorter.

Hope that helps ;)
Yes, that helps!

I propably will make thea the next time, and i will try that (before we always made soup)

i remember my first mushroom experience. i had this uncomfortable in between feeling too at the beginning, it felt quite unpleasant in my stomach, but then it kind of dissolved, but very intensely. i was sitting on the sofa and for like 30 minutes i had really intense adrenaline shocks , though i can't really tell how long because i couldn't pay attention to time :D
i was laughing all the time during that, except sometimes the adrenaline shocks got so strong, that i couldn't even laugh :shock:
But the in between feeling is the reason I won't take any less then 50 grams fresh or 4,5 grams dried (in case of cubensis)

I wanted to have a weaker trip recently, just like when I started taking shrooms - just to have a little fun, listen to music, dance and feel great and all that stuff. I tried two times, but every time I cut the shrooms it seemed not enough to get anywhere, so I added one or two more shrooms.
In the end I badly shot myself into space both times - I had taken the big dose again ;)
I think that the dose was to weak , you had one foot in this world and one foot in the other world . In my opinion thats the cause of most unpleasant experiences . Thats why uncle terrance said "If in doubt double the dose" !!!
I got the in between feeling once and it's very unpleasant, I felt very depressed and felt like my mind wanted so much to reach the top of the tree but couldn't reach the highest branch (dunno if you understand what I mean lol)
Yes , i understand , thats why i`d rather have a to strong dose than a to weak one . If its to strong i take a valium or three and it makes me calmer and / or brings me down a level so i can cope with the situation and get back to where i wanted to go in the first place . Allthough it is sometimes hard to get someone who is not happy with their state to take another pill when they know that taking something was the cause of their dilema in the first place .