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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion radu_srb
  • Date de début Date de début


Matrice Périnatale
we should unite, the people that smoke weed or hash, we should make an international union. these is the basic i have a hole ideea i could talk about these subject 3 days non-stop
What do you mean?

Like one huge meeting? Where we would just smoke pot? Or make a country where you can smoke pot everywhere? I mean be specific :lol:
economic speacking, we could get pretty rich if we do that
The money I don't care about. But be together with the biggest weed smoking group in the world would be great :D
in this world that we live in money is everything, whitout money you can't buy pot, i have a hole plane made, if we establish a meeting in some place in holland for example and we could talk.
Haha, sounds nice. What kind of plan have you thought of?
well ehm you should tell us some more about this. you say you can fill 3 days but what you said isnt even 3 minutes. i am willing to go to a meeting but i do want more info
Ya.... we could all get together and smoke and do nothing at all!
never gonna happen, when i smoke weed i have a shit load of ideas like that and conspiracy theories.
there s a majority of people that don't like our skinny stoners ass, we are just basicly screwed, doomed to live between these people and rely on them, so lets make the best of it and continue to pretend.
anyways, good luck with your idea
Yeah it's a good idea.As a begining we should enshure the surviving of as much as posible sub-speeshes of the cannabis plant as part of the Biosphere and the ecosystem.
Grow outdoors, don't take off all the male plants, spread the seeds :wink:

than we should stand our right on medical and spiritual use of marihuana
and try to re-enclude the cannabis in the pharmacopea(the oficial list of plants and chemicals with medical use)

And don't forget the hemp- use hemp textile and hemp seed oil, it's good for you and good for the planet.

I like the idea, have been pondering it myself since a couple of years. Only thing is, I wouldnt limit it to cannabis but make it broader, like include the natural psychedelics, mushrooms, dmt, Salvia.

In Holland we are blessed with a progressive government but we have to be careful. Seeing this clown Donner making statements and unbelievable, stupifying raps, registerering customer of coffeeshops, it should be clear to everyone that this government will restrict drugs policy if they ever get the chance.

That is..

IF WE give them a fucking chance.

I would love to participate, coordinate, a non-profit org with the goal of normalising the drugs that shouldnt be named drugs.

Where to start.

radu_srb, if you would plan a date, I and a lot of friends would definately come!!!

I think it's a nice plan, although you might get disappointed if there is something you want to accomplish.
wooow dude that sounds like a good idea man and i'm sure alot of stoners will agree :D
Maybe we could do the same with alcoholics. I'd love a wild mob of angry men eating children and raping women. It's a great idea
so, and in what place, that isn't anexated will we groupe?
I think there s still room in Antarctica or maybe Siberia.
Maybe we should take over Europe, we can use drugs as wapons, and I suggest mdma or lsd, who's in?
hmmm, what a wonderfull idea's!!!!!

yeah, who's gonna beat an army on speed??
and america also used lsd as a weapon by letting a lot fall on enemy troops by dropping it with an airplane (powder form)

I'm just getting hungry in the sweet stuff by reading all these posts
my ideea was a very big conspiracy somthing very complicated and i need help i can't doit alone, if we unite (the stoners) i think that we can rule the world in 30-40 years and be preety rich and powerful
radu_srb a dit:
my ideea was a very big conspiracy somthing very complicated and i need help i can't doit alone, if we unite (the stoners) i think that we can rule the world in 30-40 years and be preety rich and powerful


Did you even think about what you said here? "Yeah let's take over the world and eventually become what we've been fighting against. "
You make me sick

there s only one place where the world and reality manifests itself and that's in your head, if you realy want to make the world a better place, that's where you need to start, don't wast energy on big ass group action plans, humanity has done that over and over again, put your energy in convincing them that they can't trust their brains and that being pist (it's hypocrite, because your brain can't be trusted just like theirs so we have no logic right to be pist) at people doesn't solve anything because it's all in your head and in theirs. If every body begins to self reflect and solve their own psyche issues, there won't be any need for us to unite and become bastards ourselves and make the same mistakes as done before.

p.s. when not trusting your brains there are to outcomes, trust no one and be pist at yourself and others, or accept it and spread possitive vibes and love.
Anyways you can't stop the tree from growing

if we can't beat the conspiracy and we can't beat it, we should try to beat them at their own game no?