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  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Nanosage
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Alpiniste Kundalini
Hehe. Yes I smokeed 6 grams after 3 weaks of no herb.. IM BLEN!!! POST SUMFIN TRIPPSY!
I'm drawing your subconscious
Bam see dumpree srum dooloodingusyrilaaaaaaaaangolauphirhamdothül!
Hehe, so blown... hhhhh triippppppppppp BAM! BOOM! I am inside your mind. I have dislocated your mind into My WORLD DOMINATION PLANOTOID! YOU IOn My BrIAn I HopE YoU CaN REOCOnGniZe It BeCuZI CAnT!!!!!!! POOP! I AM A BANANA!!!!!
Yes. I am regretfully sorry you guys..
I love these topics, they are way more natural than all the 90 degree angle inputs which have passed this place already over and over again.
Haha thanks! Also I love your signature, love radiohead man! Haha but then again, who doesn't? Haha, but yeah dude thanks for lovin my post.. I seriously am sorry about it though.. Lol that was like, you know the highs you get like the first two or three times you get high? Where everything's a cartoon, and everything's funny? Well it was kinda like that.. And I thought I was black for some reason? But anyways yeah thanks dude! Haha, you guys should post shit like this to amuse my sometimes sober ass. And if I'm high, it will be funnier, so kudos! Haha
Oh and I got a few grams tonigh I am going to smoke also, so stay on and I will talk to you! Haha, like in the most modest sense possible of course.. I am very entertaining.. Haha.. I act like such a dum bass.. But hey if I'm not gonna get caught, why not have some fun!!!! Haaha
I'll 90 degree you brugmansia!
HEY! Don't use that kinda language!!!!!! Damnit Jesus Ima kill you! Except maybe god will resurrect you.. Oh well its the thought that counts! You will at least know that I had the courage to kill you ;)
just strolling through the forum, and had to laugh about this thread hahahahahahah ill give it a bump just for the funny title
Lol whenever I am blown I always get on the internet, and get bored so I come on this site and post non sense. Unless I am at someones house.. Lol but I'm glad that it entertained you :D
at first i saw the title and came to flame the thread to death, but then i read the thread and it changed my mind haha. and speaking of i was just wreaking havoic online earlier today.

posting pictures like this(below) on peoples facebooks randomly. and calling random friends fat on IM and signing out b4 they could respond hahahahhahaha fml boring times are funny.

If reality is an illusion, then what is real?

Soeed sux BTW
LOL I always do that too dude.. Its even more fun when you just say a crazy dis at someone that you barely know. Like a dis that you could only truly understand if you were high.. Lol but you always end up calling yourself a fucking retard the next day when you have to explain the situation to people.. I always poke people on facebook.. Lol like over and over again.. It is just fun when you are high.. I dunno why, lol just try it!
Psychoid a dit:
If reality is an illusion, then what is real?

your perception of reality.
duh? :lol:

man.. nothing is real. dont you know that this is a dream and the dmt world is the only real thing? :mrgreen: :ANAL:

Nanosage a dit:
I always poke people on facebook.. Lol like over and over again..

its funny that you say that. im in a fierce poking battle with atleast 6 people that has been going on for months. im so close to winnning

.......... haha :mrgreen:

EDIT: you know whats even more annoying?(expect to be removed from friends list though)
liking every status on someones page. i HATE it when people do that. soooooo fucking annoying. ive never done it myself, but ive recieved it atleast 3 times. they recieved sturn phonecalls promptly after lol
LOL I never have had a poking battle, but I might do the liking thing to one of my close friends who won't remove me ;D lol
ruthless :butthead: :ANAL:
Haha, I just did it to one of my friends. I liked everything all the way down to "Antonio has joined facebook." He is gonna be pissed.. Lol but you know what I thought that the good come back for it would be? He should just like everything that I liked and I will get the same amount of notifications.. Lol
:shock: wow man. overkill? lmfao he better love your ass ide be pissed hahahhahaaha