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lets say that im growing four boxes uf mushrooms and that only 2 get any shrooms if i have treated the boxes the exacly same way what is there to do im worried
Well, you may have contaminated two of them, and therefore no shroom are growing. Do the "bad" kits look diferent from those were the shrooms are growing? Do you see any black spots? Do you see any anormal thing in them?
I think or the temperature is to low, or the humidity is to low or the CO2 level is to high! Or there phew light!
Because u have 4 kits in the same terrarium u need to refresh the air more often! /forum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
You also have to remeber that you have 4 different kits that probalby came from 4 differnet batches of cakes. Some of your cakes may have more spores than the others so they will grow more shrooms but they will be smaller. Or the life span of the cakes may be different. For example if you ordered 4 cakes then 2 of them might have been 4 weeks old when you got them and the other 2 may only have been 2 weeks old.
There are too many variables to account for. Just be patient and let the little guys do their thing.