Hello Woody..
talking about seeing.... The doors of perception. Are they open or closed. And how to open... Entheogens are ways to open these perception bud not everyone is able to open this door.
There are some ways to practice in 'seeing'. And you don't need to take any psychedelic. If you know the way to look you can also start seeing in trips and even in normal daily life if you are getting good at it.
As a baby we are said to be seeing the etherical world as a lot of people see in trips. This because we were not able to focus yet. As a child we learn to name all things, all matter in the wold. This is a tree, a dog, a ball etc etc. As our parents asked us what is that, we had to focus to see the object and say: "this is a ball". In this proces of learning how to focus, we lost our posibility to see the world of the subtile energies, aura's, chacra's, spirits etc. this is also called the magical state of mind of a baby or child.
If we want to have visions in trips or in life we have to stop focussing and "looking" at the world.
This is one technique to open the way to "seeing":
when we are reading or looking at objects we are active, doing. The energy comes from us to the object. We make a judgement< this is a book or whatever. in our energy body this point of looking at the world is in our forehead between our eyes. Also called the point of judgement. Active seeing.
If we shift our attention from this point in our forehead to the point right in the middle between our ears with the imagination of sitting back in a lazy chair, we start to relax our eyes. Everything around you just IS... not focussing or staring at one point, let your eyes glide over the landscape. This is an inactive way of looking at the world. You can imagine that the things you see come in your eye istead you have to bring your look to the object. If you stop actively looking at the world of objects, you will start to be more receptive to the world of energies. This is a passive way of looking. And in this passivity we are able to see the subtile world of energies. This is the world between the objects or behind them or even inside them. So by being passive we receive our visions. passiveness is receiving and visions we receive. Activity is imagination, visalisation, also a beatiful way to make contact with the world of symbols and archetypes.
So I hope you understand my expanation and I hope this will open your "doors of perception"....
Good luck.