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I just birthed my first cakes should i case them

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Razor29
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Elfe Mécanique
i have been reading about casing the cake from what i read dunking the cake in the fridge for a little over 12 - 16 hours can only help but should i case the cake after the dunk with sterile dry verm or should i just put it in the tarrarium

and about the casing should i case the all the cake or just parts of it

one more thing when i start to grow them in some pics i see a dry verm casing (from the incubation) on the bottom and sometimes on the top from what i understand its preffered to put them the same way they where during incubation and that would put the part with the left over dry verm on the top does the orientaion of the cake matter?
High Razor ,

A dry caseing defeats the objective of caseing . Why waterboard them are they moslems ???? Case it all .

http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... 51&lang=en

Was it you who posted a picture of some sterilised plastic containers with a thin material cover over it ? If it was what was the covering ?
i will moisten up the casing after applying it im just asking if i should do it at all in the first flush and about the picture im not sure what u mean
I´d do it before the first flush . If you read what i said about caseing maybe it will help you . And if you dont know what i mean about the foto then it wasnt you .
ok then tell if u like the game plan i take out the cake from dunking at the 16 hour mark wash it a little then cover the hole cake with sterile dry verm put it in the tarrarium and after about 30 minutes when the verm is allready kinda stuck to the cakes then i take my mister and wet them nicely

ooo yeah and again does it matter if the cake is upsidedown compared to when it was incubation
I`m not a fan of waterboarding cakes . I`m not a fan of using vermiculite to case with , as i said it defeats the object of caseing . It would be better if your cake wasnt upside down , but it wont make a difference how much you harvest . It might make a difference , if only a short one , of how long it takes to fruit . And please read what i said about caseing in the other thread . Whet jiffys is probably the best alternative .
waterboarding hmmm thats extreme

im look at it like my cake is taking a nice bath and besides from all i read im 99% sure that dunking the cake is the right thing to do as for the casing sadly i will use verm it seems to work and its all i have right now i am sure their are better things but then again i just want my cakes is to grow if i could have gotter 20% more from them it makes no diff to me since i could of made more cakes and even more cakes then that

im just asking my the small batch that i must deal with today and is allready in a dunk should i case it with the verm i have (i understand that i should)

and sadly no i cant buy anything for stupid reasons things are closed today and tommarow
Mushrooms cant swim and waterboarding them is a bad solution for doing bad things that people recomend to do in the internet . I think its better to do it right in the first place than to have to keep finding even worse "solutions" for the problems bad methods produce . Jiffys are available in garden stores and supermarkets . If you only have vermiculite do it how you have said . Maybe one time you can try to do it my way with a few cakes and your way with a few others and compaire the amount of work , the price and the harvest .
its not like you know what i have to deal with when it comes to growing inviourment trust me im doing the best i can with what i have and next time i will try your way without the "waterboarding" and with jiffy

i built 2 tarrariums and my next birthday(batch) is ready next week with them i will try no "waterboarding"

and again what is jiffy with the crappy israeli brands i got here i have no clue what that is
Ok now i understand . A jiffy is a small ball of peat in a bio degradeable plastic mesh around it to hold it together wich has a dent for planting seeds in it on the top .