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I died. Came back. Gods playing some kind of game.

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Wastherecameback
  • Date de début Date de début


Hi I am a new user here at psychonaut forums and I joined hopeing that someone will have some answers for me or some advice possibly.

Let me begin....

I started the night off eating just over a quarter of shrooms. My body weight is about 140 (if that makes a difference) and lets just say I became paralyzed for a while. During this paralyzation I encountered something that would change my consciousness and ego forever. I can vaguely remember what was said but I do remember the main idea if you will call it. I'm sorry if this is taking to long I'm just trying to get to the point. God by himself or (with the devil) is playing some kind of reincarnation game. ? yeah I know right. What was said was almost like a riddle. One person would say something and immediatley after what that person said the other would say something and this endless riddle went back.... and fowarth. If anyone has expierenced this mind boggling game on shrooms and if you think you have died on shrooms please post it here, I would enjoy reading your opinion/experiences on this. If no one knows what I am babbling on about well call me crazy or I just had a "bad trip."
Personally I believe what I witnessed as a spiritual awakening.
So what I'm saying is when you die there is some kind of game like tag your it, then your reincarnated or come back to life to live another whole life waiting to die for the next riddle or game whatever you want to call it. It's very hard to put all of this into sensible words but for some reason I cannot because this process if very complicated.

DEATH- Riddle/game- Reincarnation/coming back to life (like me)- Live new life until the next riddle/game. This game goes on every time you die, then it startes over.
God (or whoever) seems to play this game and you come to a sudden realization of everything. They are playing some kind of game with us.
Thats just my two cents.
Sorry if I confused the hell outta you.
If no one knows what I am babbling on about well call me crazy or I just had a "bad trip."

Well you sure didn't have a bad trip that's for sure... But what you did have was a loss of ego... You lost yourself during that trip and was shown that you need to move on in life and maybe make some changes in your current lifestyle... Think about the things that you regret or the things that you just do cause you're used on doing them... Try and think of it wouldn't be better if you changed those things and become a new WasthereCameback!

You just need some time to think about your trip and re-evaluate everything you experienced in life, the trip and all the things that you'd like to change ;)

Good Luck :truce:
i can undertsand in a way what you mean ...

the riddle game is the game oneself plays with oneself ... i heard something few weeks ago that shows a little of the same thing.

life is a constant asking from god to mankind for awakening - and mankind says ... hmmm ... not yet.

we ask for understadning - but when it shows that you have to give up sanity - we don't want it anymore ... this is a constant trick being played upon ourself ...

for every answer that lies in silence ... we ask another stupid mind question. so we break with silence by sound in mind. It's seems like we just do not won't to accept the fucking truth. cause we don't wanna give up our little attached-ego.

advice - just keep flowing - life is taking you to higher undertsanding. don't mind it, don't preech it, don't kill it - just live it!

i don't think it was a complete ego-loss experience ... cause else you would talk differently ... but it seems like you tapped into a stream and got to see your own processes.
WasThereCameBack, I also got convinced about re-incarnation of the soul on two different occasions with shrooms (used 14 shrooms in a tea each time). On the first trip it occured to me that I was "dead" and it didn't even frighten me. A friend of mine appeared in this "dream" and said "of course you're dead, you have been dead forever - haven't you ever noticed?"

The second time was a bit scarier as I was floating in nothingness, being transparent to everyone and everything. I thought about killing myself but I realized I couldn't escape this state because it was my spiritual state. It became less frightening when I got used to being alone and together with the whole world at the same time, also "transparent" (I dunno if this is understandable?)
With shrooms I always get a kind of "it's all good"-type of feeling. Everything is alright the way it is, but if things change it's alright as well. I experienced the transparency thing tryptonaut talks about. Reminded me of the art of Alex Grey. Saw myself as streams of energy. During my state of transparency I envisioned a creature. I was absolutely sure it was God, which was really emotional. And all that on just 10 grams of Philosoher's Stones
It’s of course always hard to say with the visions and hallucinations what it is that you experience, especially on high doses when everything gets weirder and weirder right.

I myself like to trip on shrooms and on the mckenna style. High dose, dark room, earplugs and with no one around. And also with some peganum harmala 3-5 grams, makes the trip very different and more attention to …euhm big secrets of live...

If you are really curious about your vision look in to things like theosophy and stuff like that.

What also amazes me about religion is that the straight people who say believe in god and the whole lock stock and smoking barrels of the bible, if you ask them about there personal spiritual experiences with god, they don’t have them. And we true psychonauts all have felt the big secrets and mysteries that are there. Like your trip

But keep in mind how incredible your brain works. I think it’s also important to know what’s in your brain, like you know what’s in your sock drawer, so you will know that you are seeing things that are not on your brain but coming from somewhere else.