Mrjelly a dit:
Not understanding the thoughts here but what I was referring to was the inception of the United States and my belief that the original concept of the states was one that had potential for a free and fair system. However one could say that what we have now is generally fair, we do live better than 90% of the people no the planet perhaps because of our ambition to have things like these computers, and cars, and... and... and...
I am not sure if you have ever lived in a 3rd world country but I have and let me tell you even with all its problems, the U.S. is still the best place to be. That is if you like to live where people don't throw there trash on the ground and L.A. has air that is cleaner... The politics in many other nations and the way people are treated (By there own people) is atrocious, crime rates are extremely high, and the price of life is literally penny's on the dollar.
I agree with this one hundred percent, I'm living in a third world country and I'm experiencing the drawbacks first hand. This is coming from a person who has traveled to many developed places in the world including United States several times. Thankfully even though I come from a backward country my standard of living is comparable to that of the people in United States, but there still are loads of other issues out here.
You guys in the United States don't have any idea how easy you have it. With a simple job in Walmart you guys can afford comfortable food, clothing, shelter and maybe a car. Most of the time nobody will fuck around with you and you will have your freedom and personal space. Out here most of the people are struggling to put bread on the table for all three meals of the day and are living in tiniest of apartments without much privacy. Financial problems are very common here, but there are IMMENSE cultural problems as well. The common people here are very close to their animal nature, they're crass and crude and lack mannerisms. There is immense sexual repression here, which makes life very dull. People are like robots, they earn their Engineering/Accounting/Management degrees and head out for jobs at the age of 21 years, extremely few are allowed to follow their passions. At the age of 21 years most guys and girls don't have any experience in sex or relationships, which shows what a bland life they are leading, by 25 the girls get married and the guys at the age of 28 usually these are arranged. You have more of a chance at self actualization and following your passions in a country like United States than in third world countries. In 3rd world only the privileged few have hobbies, for the rest it's all work and feeding the family.
The politicians here are mostly criminals with large amounts of black money stored in foreign bank accounts. Corruption is rampant here in the entire hierarchy of government organizations and there is a lack of transparency. The companies here are less about innovation and function more like sweat shops. You Americans should be grateful you had the opportunity to elect a president like Obama who does not come from any elite background but purely by his own achievements and has the necessary powers to make a change.
Pollution is so horrible in most metros that you cannot travel without air conditioning to majority of the places. Garbage bins arise out of nowhere and crap is thrown randomly on the streets. There are poorly managed trucks, two wheelers and cars which emit massive amounts of pollution increasing the carbon footprint. You should see the public hospitals in my country, they're a joke.
A huge population makes it hard for people to respect each other, many of them hate each other with differences in religions and views (Religion is obsolete IMO anyway). People are treated badly at the workplace and going to work everyday can be hell.
I'm only stating the negative points of third world countries to make you westerners realize how easy you have it there. Change is happening all over the world and that includes backward countries. The economy, innovation, technology, medicine and education here is developing, so is the tourism, let's hope that the population starts decreasing slowly and the few beautiful natural spots here are preserved.