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how to dry and preserve fresh cubensis

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Bandersnatch
  • Date de début Date de début


i bought some fresh psylocibe cubensis but I don't really know how to dry em, there are a lot of different ways but they all seem a little bit, how should i say this, complicated?
any advice is welcom
Just search ... there are a lot of the same topics around.
Drying mushrooms isn't rocket-science. Of course, when using desiccants and drying chambers one can achieve better results, but if you just want your shrooms dry for preservation you don't need all that. Just lay them on some screen and leave in a dry and dark place (I personally use one of my closets). Then make sure that there is some air-exchange once in a while, and they should be dry and ready in just few days.
I agree with Viaticus, there's no "rocket science" involved... I simply put mine on a piece of printer paper on a plate in my cupboard and a week or so later, dry as a bone. Then I put 'em in a zip-lock bag, gently squeeze the air out and seal it, then toss it in the freezer. :D

If you want, you can get gelatin capsules from the local pharmacy and pulverize your dried shrooms and put the shroom powder into the capsules, bag 'em up and put 'em in your freezer and they'll stay good for years. Nice thing about putting the shroom powder in capsules is that the dose is somewhat more regulated and they're easy to swallow. :drinkers:

It's really just a matter of how much effort you wanna put into it. :lol:
I personally do not like the idea of putting a plant in capsules when the plant itself is working properly. But if you're not into the taste of the shrooms this might be an option. I disliked the taste of shrooms when I first took 'em but learned to associate the taste with the effects over time, so now I think they are delish...
But yeah, drying, just put them on a nice thread with a needle and hang 'em round the house. Great for parties as well...
Forkbender a dit:
I personally do not like the idea of putting a plant in capsules when the plant itself is working properly. But if you're not into the taste of the shrooms this might be an option. I disliked the taste of shrooms when I first took 'em but learned to associate the taste with the effects over time, so now I think they are delish...
Any suggestions on how I can learn to assiociate the taste with the effects? On two trips, I combined 3 Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds with 3-4 grams of dried Psilocybe Cubensis. The taste of both of them makes me nauseous and on both occasions, I had to throw up at one point - and running to a brightly lit toilet when you're peaking isn't the most pleasant experience. On my last trip, I only had 3 grams of dried Cubensis. This time, just the taste made me gag, so I had to squeeze my nose shut and combine it with some bread to be able to swallow it. Now it'd be great to avoid all the discomfort if I could teach my body to like it.

But yeah, drying, just put them on a nice thread with a needle and hang 'em round the house. Great for parties as well...
Aren't you risking to make them lose some potency if they come into contact with sunlight then?
I always had problems with eating shrooms some years ago. I do not like the taste of any musroom not even on a pizza. I always ate the dried ones with some candy or cookies for the taste.

Later on I found out that making tea and adding some nice flavoured tea to that (like mint or "sterrenmix") the taste was not so bad at all and if you let it stand for a long time you don't even have to eat the pieces you can trow them away.

I do agree that the taste is part of the triip. When tripping on shrooms the taste is almost something very basic and binds the trip a bit to nature. I always have the idea that eating shrooms makes you more of a plant than an animal, but I am going way off subject here now.