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how old are you?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion lucky_lab_rat
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Glandeuse Pinéale
I get the impression I may be one of the older folks here- rapidly approaching 40 :shock: I credit psychoactives with the fact that I still get carded for alcohol ( it kept me young) -also the fact I stayed away from drugs that don't have much to teach (pills,coke,meth,heroin,etc)
Nice thing about being older- I can remember when MDMA was legal here in the states :partyman:
I also got to try pretty much everything in pihkal/tihkal before the books ever got published and created the interest in these substances. 8) Was also around before Grateful Dead tour ended taking much of the quality L in the states with it :cry:
Oh, I've been curious about everyone's age for a while: since I relate, I feel that you guys are all mostly very young [20's?] but maybe not, and that's fine too :D
Well maybe this isn't the smartest thing to post, but I know you are all mostly a pretty nice crowd: I'm just 16 0.o

But I have an old soul and I often like communicating with older people better anyways =]
Let's not judge maturity and intellect and all that jazz by age though?
Age is just a perceived illusion, really anyways.
'cause we're infinite
Nina_is_alive a dit:
But I have an old soul and I often like communicating with older people better anyways =]
Let's not judge maturity and intellect and all that jazz by age though?
Age is just a perceived illusion, really anyways.
'cause we're infinite

well said. :D
I stopped counting after 94
14 years old. I can pass by 17 though.
Nina_is_alive a dit:
Oh, I've been curious about everyone's age for a while: since I relate, I feel that you guys are all mostly very young [20's?] but maybe not, and that's fine too :D
Well maybe this isn't the smartest thing to post, but I know you are all mostly a pretty nice crowd: I'm just 16 0.o

But I have an old soul and I often like communicating with older people better anyways =]
Let's not judge maturity and intellect and all that jazz by age though?
Age is just a perceived illusion, really anyways.
'cause we're infinite

Excellent reply :)

The body ages, The mind / soul is infinite. I agree 8)
i'm no longer in my 20's but I'm not in my 40's quite yet..
I'm the age all those famous rockstars die at. Luckily I'm no rockstar who's living fast.

Ageless Beauty
This post has been edited by me, Jamapricotica, for the simple reason that I am attempting to cleanup and/or improve my presence on this forum.

Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
Holy crap, so I AM one of the youngins here.. :?

I am turning 19 in a few weeks. Feel like I belong being above 30.

peace & love