The_Dreamer :
the best stimulant i have tried:
an extasy containing mdma and speed, and an imao : (
wow it was so good for 2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!
after 2 hours, the speed was down, the mdma was down, but the imao was still there!!!!!
and ho my god it was so bad.
i was so nervous, i was so in the serotonin bad state!!!!
omg imaos are dangerous.
try it one time in your life if you want, but before test the imao alone, and test the psychadelic alone!!!
and dosagess: take 2/3 of the imao, with 2/3 of the psychadelic that you would take normally.
note: benzodiazepines or barbiturics or anxiolytics or myorelaxants are so good when you are in the serotonin bad state!!!
(end of lsd, mdma, speed, ephedrine, dmt...)
ups: benzodiazepines or barbiturics or anxiolytics or myorelaxants are very dangerous with alcohol or gaba actives drugs.