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How much dried will I eat?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Riddle
  • Date de début Date de début


Matrice Périnatale

Now I have fan-dried my mushrooms that I was able to pick yesterday.
I ate about 15 gram fresh for a week ago, and that really was an opening to another world. How much do I need to eat now when its dried?

I hope 2 gram will do the spot.
It is cubencis btw

Best regards \\ Riddle

May the shroom be with you!
Don't expect the experience to be as mindblowing as your first time. My first experience was superb, so I did it again a week after that. It wasn't even close.

2 grams will do the trick to get you tripping for sure.
2 grams can do the trick but may also fail. Potency can vary greatly, even in diferent flushes of the same strain. 2 grams dried should trigger an effect normally.
And it's best to wait about a month or so (minimal 2 weeks)
So that the experience will be as cool as the first one.
After first trip consume lots of vitamins-BcomplexHEAVY,Triptofan three pills at day,If you can get it AURORIX-RIMAO-medicine for depresion one in morning,three days helex/xanax for calming and reapering the specified receptors and after 7 days you will be ready with your brain to have one high trip.Then minimal one month mimicing priesthold for shrooms,cacti alowed. :) 8) Semper fi
I'd just take a 2-3 week break before eating shrooms again.
Cheaper and does the same thing, ie. replenish the serotonin etc reserves.
Any time you feel the need to do any drug before your body recovers naturally is when you should lay off and play bridge for a month. Seriously. Best way to cure pretty much anything a drug can do to you.

Sometimes you don't need such a long break. When I re-discovered shrooms about 2 years ago I was very euphoric about them and took them at least once a week with no negative side effects (I had to take some more maybe, but that didn't matter because I had a grow box).

Then suddenly I experienced trips which weren't that good anymore (not bad trips, just not as good and euphoric) and I realized I needed to take longer breaks.
2 grams dry cubensis is for kids man swim never wastes his time with anything under 4 grams and usually does 7 grams dry.anything more is a waste cause you hit the ceiling and believe swim he's taken 14 grams dry and there wasn't much of a difference than 7. Two grams is just a little beyond threshhold and you ain't gonna be talking with reptilian gods that morph into all kinds of shapes.With 7 you will.I guess it depends how far you wanna go.Or if you take only two,grind them up inti powder and mix with the juice of a freshly sqeezed lemon in a shotglass and down it in one shot on an empty stomach.The lemon juice potentiates the shroom big time and your 2 grams will feel like 4.Cranberry juice also works as does chammomile tea.Once swim was coming down from a shroom tripo and decided to drink some chammomile tea.holy shit man ten minutes after drinking the tea he started getting back up there and even had funky visuals not bad for a comedown boost.cheaper too.
From my first flush of my growkit I think I'm gonna do 5 or 6 grams first.
See where that takes me :mrgreen:
It should be kept in mind that everyone reacts differently to different substances. Some people need higher doses than others to reach the same level. And if you are about to experiment with shrooms for the first time, there is no need to take a heroic dose just because you feel you got something to prove.

My advice: start low, build from there. We are all unique and self-exploration is not a contest.
According to "Psilocybin the majic mushroom grower's guide" and other books that I read you need 5 grams to get the FULL effects of cubensis shrooms.& 7 grams is not a heroic dose and swim always takes them alone and never recreationally so he has nothing to prove to no one.swim does it for the visuals and the oneness with nature feeling you get and swim finds that doing 1 or two grams microdoses is just a waste of time unless you're doing it recreationally which is a no no in swim's book.If you wanna go parachuting you don't jump from a two story building you jump from a plane get what I mean?
joevortex a dit:
7 grams is not a heroic dose

For a newbie, I'd say it is. That kind of amount can be very overwhelming, and if one has some psychological traumas that decide to surface, things could get nasty. Now I'm not trying to paint any devils on the walls, just saying that there's no need to jump right at the deep end without first finding out whether or not you can actually swim.

and swim always takes them alone and never recreationally so he has nothing to prove to no one.swim does it for the visuals and the oneness with nature feeling you get and swim finds that doing 1 or two grams microdoses is just a waste of time unless you're doing it recreationally which is a no no in swim's book.

Okay, so that works for you. Great, congratulations. Just on a notion though, the rest of the world is not you.

If you wanna go parachuting you don't jump from a two story building you jump from a plane get what I mean?

And you don't do it without practice either, do you? Each and everyone has a different psyche, so you might want to check that your parachute works before jumping, don't you? Now everyone is of course free to do as they will, but in my opinion, it's better to be safe than sorry. The psychedelic community doesn't necessarely need any more people turning in to statistics on anti-drug argument charts.

As the well known mantra goes: Know your mind, know your body, know your substance, know your dose.
sup with the "third person quoting" joevortex? One more question. If you have nothing to prove to anybody then why post such a detailed info about how you consume ur shrooms? Dude.. haha ur so cool. *being blatantly sarcastic*

I agree with what Viaticus said.

Listen Cosmic Dancer swim has been doing shroom for 28 years and he knows what the fuck he's talking about.Riddle asked a question and I answered him. this is my last post in this topic,I didn't come here to argue with children.capiche?
The mind is like a parachute,for it to function properly it needs to be opened.
Listen Cosmic Dancer swim has been doing shroom for 28 years and he knows what the fuck he's talking about.

Well, that's the point. Riddle (who started this thread) said he took shrooms for the first time, 15g fresh which is roughly 1.5g dry, and he said it opened a whole new world to him.

I totally agree with you joevortex, above 5g is the dose, but not for your second trip after you've had 15g fresh once...

I just had a low-dose trip yesterday (6 shrooms, not grams, shrooms, from a growbox) and I had quite some alcohol before and after and it was great. It wasn't a real trip, it was like ecstasy... hower, such experiences can reassure you that you like shrooms. Then you can take more and more over time and leave out the alcohol to get real trips. This was how it worked for me and I guess we shouldn't be recommending >5g to first- or second-timers because that will only scare away potential psychonauts.
Each and everyone has a different psyche, so you might want to check that your parachute works before jumping, don't you? Now everyone is of course free to do as they will, but in my opinion, it's better to be safe than sorry. The psychedelic community doesn't necessarely need any more people turning in to statistics on anti-drug argument charts.

I totaly agree. To recomed anything more than 3grams to someone that has only eaten once is irresponsable, stupid and dangerus.
Stupid cause a beginner should learn what tripping is and what doses work for him/her before going any higher and if he is not carefull, he could end up doing somthing stupid and end up hurting himself. After 28 years of tripping, you or swim (who ever that is) should know better than to say something that stupid.
Listen here Loco.If you would know how to fucking read you would know that I was not recomending him to eat the amounts that swim does.In tne post I tell him tha swim does this much and I also tell him it depends on how high he wants to go.And also if you could read I recommend him two grams with a bit of lemon juice,not 5, 7, or 14 like swim does.So who looks stupid now? El loco cabron que no sabe leer :butthead:
joevortex a dit:
Listen Cosmic Dancer swim has been doing shroom for 28 years and he knows what the fuck he's talking about.Riddle asked a question and I answered him. this is my last post in this topic,I didn't come here to argue with children.capiche?
The mind is like a parachute,for it to function properly it needs to be opened.

Been doing shrooms for 28 years? Dude how old are you? You must be ancient man. I'm not questioning your "shroom-skillz" man. Just your bully-attitude and the use of profanities. Take a chill pill. You wrote - and I quote - "2 grams is for kids". First of all shrooms are NOT for kids. Even if it just was a figure of speech. E-v-e-r-y single forum and site I've been to, reading about shrooms etc recommends to start off with 2 gr. of dried shrooms (with or without the lemon juice) just to see what effect it has on you (and these are shroom-pros sharing their experiences in a civil manner). And yeah, you a-r-e bragging btw no Q about that. Enough said. If you get off on 14 gr. of dried shrooms more power to you. Just a waste of shrooms imho. My guess is that you do shrooms every week and have developed some sort of "immunity". Correct me if I'm wrong. I can take criticism. I'm no shroom-pro. Far from it. btw it's spelled "capisce".

Happy tripping! :lol: