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how long after coke use could one safely use mdma?

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Elfe Mécanique
Like reasonably healthwise, how long after the last ingestion of cocaine should i wait before doing a small amount of mdma?

The total amount of cocaine done would be a gram, and the total amount of mdma about 230mgs.
It's strongly recommended not to consume them in the same week.
Cocaine works strongly on the dopamine receptors and extremly subtle on the serotonine release.

If you combine E with C at the same time you'll remain with a wakeful vision, and a blunt weak ecstasy feeling. The down of coke truly intrerrups with your E trip as well. While your serotonine is fully up, you'll hardly notice it because it is overpowered by the effects coke. Nevertheless the down the days is way more terrible and for some it's easier to gain addiction.

You CAN combine coke with amphetamine, you'll safe your serotonine for later. But you should be careful with your central nervous system. Since they both stimulate breath and heart frequence, blood pressure. And both are broken down by the liver and kidney.
Cocaine and MDMA doesn't have chemical action similarity. Cocaine is dopamine transporter inhibitor and MDMA is serotonine & noradrenaline agonist.
So if you use them at once cocaine will show better and higher effects over MDMA. But after one hour Cocaine plasma level will drastically drop and only MDMA will be felt by your mind and soul. Again, there is no cross tolerance or synergistic effects between MDMA and coke! Effect are only counted and at the end, sigma result.
Conclusion: You can use MDMA after or before coke one day, this wouldn't make difference between those two drugs.
ONLY ADVICE IS do not mix them! Use coke and when it wear of use MDMA. Also this count with MDMA, use it and after peak level or 4-5 hours later use coke. They have distinctive effects and it would be shame to mix them! Also true effect would not show them at full power if you mix those two drugs.
yes I have had experience with doing both at the same time and quickly discovered how sick that can make a person.

I was hoping that the MDMA might provide a good medium to come down off the coke usage, but after some further reading and your comments it does seem like somewhat of a waste.
Listen, you can use coke and after 20min from using drink ecstasy pill. Cocaine even the best one works maximum one hour! But then he drops out completely out of plasma, brain, system! Only "down" feeling remains or even some version of depression!

But if you use coke and 20min after drink "E", you can make fine transition! "E" needs minimum 30-40min before he starts to work and one hour to the Peak effect level! So such use of "E" (20min after coke) can very easy and lovely wipe out cocaine depression and made night which is permanently imprinted in the soul! 8) :)
I think we all agree that there are many drugs out there that arent that bad in moderation.....

The shit that your goin on about is more considered drug abuse. Which is the kind of thing that f**ks it for the rest of us, when you wined up brain fried, and your mother joins the 'mothers against drugs' group and goes on a current affair crying about how bad drugs are...

But hey... Thats my opinion.. Nothing personal

SSSSHAKE :ninja:
thats the reason for asking questions...so moderate/safe behavior does not become something like abusve behavior.
Good point... but

"The total amount of cocaine done would be a gram, and the total amount of mdma about 230mgs."

230mgs of MDMA is in no way a small dose.. And neither is a whole gram of cocaine!
A gram of coke is nothing. You can do a gram and be fine an hour later. Unless you're a complete coke virgin you could do MDMA the next day, maybe the day after that one just to be safe and in the case that you spend your post-gram of coke day in a coke withdrawel depression. Both can get you pretty down in the dumps afterwards. I've only done mdma twice though but I'm very experienced with coke and I will say it does affect your ability to enjoy other drugs. But unless you do it day after day you should have no problem. They're both (very) mentally addicting though so be careful, know yourself before you do anything. I'd advise against it if addiction is in your personality.
Hey SHAKE, can you tell me something?
You are from New Zealand?
Or Australia?
I ask you this cause in NZ you can buy piperazines in various forms like:
Benzylpiperazine or BZP
Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine (or simply TFMPP)
MethylBenzylPiperazine aka MBZP
1-(meta-chlorophenyl)piperazine (mCPP)
Parafluorophenylpiperazine (pFPP)

They are even better then MDMA, MMDA, TMA, MDA!!!
My best piperazines are pFPP and TFMPP

Is this legal at you? Have you tried it? :?:

Sorry because I am little of topic. :wink: