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how can i identify the quality of cocaine

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion majorityfool
  • Date de début Date de début


Matrice Périnatale
i was wondering, if there are some characteristics of good cocaine. i usually base it, so quality is essential
You may find some cocaine tester (EZ Test White) in some smartshop on the web. (like azarius)
thanks, i didnt know that there are tests for cocaine. ill check out azariuz
you should put a fingertip of cocaine just under your lips. If you feel sedated (in your mouth that is) it's fine quality if it start's to burn it's bad. good luck
Yes this can be a good sign , but some smart dealers use lidocaine (sedative used by dentist) to get this response. In the movies you always see a blue indicator that is added to some coke , if its good it will be very blue if not only faintly. This is much like the EZ test.

Good coke (80 % and up) and believe me most people say that had 90 % pure but it was actually only about 50 % ! has a very distinct smell and taste to it , the stronger the taste the stronger the coke.

Is there any better way to tell ?