Holy shit Batman ! Big brothers watching our toilets !!!

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
"Our least precious bodily fluid may just tell the tale of our collective taste for illicit drugs, if a new technique for sampling sewage for evidence of their use proves effective. Scient ist s have developed methods for isolating the byproducts of drug use that are excreted in urine. Sewage waters can be considered as a diluted, pooled urine sample,explains toxicologist Roberto Fanelli of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan, whose group has employed mass spectrometry to analyze wastewater in urban rivers. The chemical target of Fanelli’s study was benzoylecgonine what the body turns cocaine into after the drug has done its brain-altering business. We found that, sampling the Po River on different days in different months, the river carried the equivalent of about four kilograms of cocaine every day . Environmental chemist Jennifer Field of Oregon State University and her colleagues have used liquid chromatography with similar results. Here’s a new tool for taking snapshots of communities over space and in time and getting a less biased view of drug use than would be obtained from traditional phone surveys, she says.Already such snapshots have been taken of London, Milan and a wide range of communities of varying sizes in the U.S. including Corvallis, Oregon State’s home town. The U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) has taken an interest, running a pilot project in 2006 to test such methodologies in 24 facilities surrounding Washington, D.C. We think if this can be shown to be reliable, it has value, says David Murray, chief scientist for the Counterdrug Technology Assessment Center at the ONDCP. We know how many metric tons of cocaine are produced in the Andes, we know how many we seize on the open seas, but we don’t know how many metric tons are consumed.The ONDCP has no plans for further testing at this point, but both the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency may pursue it. Sewage-sampling techniques, which can be applied to almost any drug, prescription or illicit, might be most useful in broadly identifying those strata of society who typically do not self-report recreational drug use or end up in the statistics kept by public drug abuse treatment facilities. People have an incentive to tell government pollsters they don’t use illegal drugs when asked,says Bill Piper, director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance, a drug law reform advocacy group. The techniques could not, however, pinpoint actual individual drug users. To get data from individuals, one should track samples close to the source at the time of toilet flushing, which is practically impossible,Fanelli says.Having a broad view of chemical use could provide insight into how best to target limited drug treatment resources or to enable, for the first time, true comparisons between levels of drug use from city to city. It also might reveal the effectiveness or lack thereof of particular antidrug efforts. If law enforcement believes that they have eradicated the source of a substance for a community, this would be one way to verify those possibilities, says Wilson Compton, who is the director of NIDA’s Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research. Requests for such overall pictures are pouring in, according to researchers, from government facilities such as prisons and national labs to major cities. In November, Field and her colleagues took a snapshot of the state of Oregon on one day to assess the feasibility and validity of the liquid-chromatography method. And longer-term monitoring could quantify and confirm patterns. You can see this upswing in the recreational use of cocaine on the weekend, Field says, as evidenced by increases in some cases starting as early as Thursday. As Guy Allen, plant operator at the Corvallis Wastewater Reclamation Facility, puts it: It’s always interesting to know what’s in the sewage."

From now on i shall be doing my buisness in a bucket and throwing it off the balkony into my neighbours garden .
WOW, where is our freedom? Why don't they just rip and burn the word freedom out of every dictionary in the world, and abolish the word from being used. It is so sad to see what this world has came to. I WILL NOT stand for this, something needs to change. And SOON!!!!!

PEACE for those who still knows what the word means.....
" Wow, where is our freedom "?

Orphaned, where we left it with our apathy and willingness to 'not think evil' of the neo-conservative right.

Where do they derive this power?

from our unwillingness to confront them, en masse.
I can already see a documentary coming out of this. "Who's the crackhead capitol of the world?!?!"
This can also prove to be a good thing; this can deliver data on the actual (coke) consumption, and not some DEA wishfull thinking. When the actual usage is >10 times the estimates made by the agencies (and I think it will be), they probably feel they have but one option: pump in 10 times in more terror in an attemt to lower consumption.

But after some time, it becomes apparent that even that won't work because then it will be backed up for all to see by the data. ( Concept of inelesticy etc ). There could be a catch however; the day they decide the data is confidential.

cocaine, benzoylecgonine

Also, more amusingly: cocain converts into benzoylecgonine by the body, and 85% (lost ref.) of it can be found in the urine. Alkaloid extration from urine is not complicated; the body already microfiltrated it. Converting benzoylecgonine back into cocain is not complicated either.

So here is the fun part:

Suppose 10 grams of coke (cut, ~5 grams cocaine) is consumed in a group of 5 friends. The urine is collected (10 - 20 liters), and reduced in volume (1-2 l). It is then extracted for the alkaloids (4.25 grams of benzoylecgonine) and converted back into coke (~4 grams of cocaine) to yield 8 grams of coke.

I estimate that this takes 2 days, from collecting the precious bodily fluids to taking the first line of piss coke ;)
phalaris, it's a good idea, but here is my tought:

there are other alkaloids in urin that also will be extracted.

then if you do the process to alter the benzoyl.. into cocaine, you will also alter the other alkaloids. maybe resulting into poisonous chemicals.

about the testing: truth doesn't have to be consealed, and personally i don't see this as a violation if my right on privacy. if they would test the sewage pipe under my house, that's a different story.

it's good they have acces to correct numbers now, but i'm sure that how they will deal with this numbers is not that good...
Couldn't you just drink your own piss instead? Like what's appearently been done with Amanita since ages? It's probably less toxic then any leftover chemicals in your piss coke.
Meduzz- I agree that as it stands right now, no violation of rights is occurring, but the danger here is as always, that they will gradually evolve it into checking the pipe under your house.

Gradualism is the way they inflict a lot of shit on us that would be rejected outright if it were made obvious.

For example, in my city they have anywhere from 5 to 11 cameras sitting on top of traffic lights at intersections, to catch red-light violators....we have to take their word for it that these cameras aren't used improperly. There's no oversight.

Now, the city council in my area has voted to install these cameras on top of streetlights in 'high-crime areas'...running 24/7.

This all moved from the 'traffic light' to the neighborhood in less than 2 YEARS....not very gradual..

thats where this is heading.
true, but still what happened in italy wasn't really government sanctioned and it is a good thing to know what chemicals are being abused and what are the concentrations in rivers...since rivers are the main supply of water, not for humans but for nature the problem is in that the cocaine byproducts are polluting the rivers and it is known that substances that don't kill us can kill other animals or organisms ( try giving an aspirin to a cat, or choccolate to a dog) thus disrupting natural equilibrium and environment (cocaine byproducts aren't meant to be dispersed in great quantities in nature especially if far from their original environment). so it shouldn't be seen ONLY as violation of privacy, therefore i definitely see as hysteric and witchunter's behaviour to shout out "OMG where's freedom gone??". first of all what freedom are we talking about? freedom's long gone since the end of the 1700.
and this should be an incitation to the citizens to abuse less drugs
and i LOVED that post on recycling of pee to get the cocaine back (tho i'm fully against the use or abuse of such substance).
then again why should they bother checking your pipe when they already are checking our posts on Psychonaut? (how's that for your paranoia, huh?) they are not gonna get their hands dirty unless they want to catch you redhanded.

"PISS" and lobe
" try giving an aspirin to a cat, or choccolate to a dog "

My best friend loved her chocolate ice cream ? I never noticed any adverse reactions ?
Theobromine is poison to a dog's liver...however choccolate icecream is not made out of choccolate ^^ and the fact that your friend had no adverse reactions to it says it all...lucky her. as a matter of fact if you buy choccolate treats to your little (mine weighs 45Kg!!!) friends they are "choccolate flavoured" and contain no cacao whatsoever.
Dantediv86 a dit:
true, but still what happened in italy wasn't really government sanctioned and it is a good thing to know what chemicals are being abused and what are the concentrations in rivers.....

The government systematically applies techniques and knowledge developed scientifically ( by non govt entities) to surveil us in ever-increasing increments; witness urinalysis, hair testing, and blood tests. :evil:

Since they supply, or have a hand in supplying, most superaddictive drugs to the street market abyway, the government already has a REAL good idea as to the numbers. and who does what. :evil:

Pesticides and organic byproducts generated from factories that do not understand the concept of 'existing in equillibrium with your environment' are a far larger danger to the ecosystem than the amount of drug metabolites in any river. :twisted: :evil:

Maybe when they begin taking responsibility for their actions and set some positive examples....

Also, I can't justify the use of science to further inspect and judge our behaivour in this fashion...if these people won't allow me to pursue whatever branch of scientific discipline I choose, why should I accept that they want to use the same science, that they won't allow for exploration, to be used to POLICE ME? :shock:

Consider the ramifications of that statement, please. :idea:
For me this " reality " , the sick world that we are forced to live in is the ultimate George Orwell nightmare . The lunatics have taken over the asylum . Democracy is the rule of the people , for the people , by the people . We live in dumbocracy where they are anylysing my wast products for drugs , analysing the air above my city for drugs , making me cary a biometric passport with all my details on a chip that can be read everytime i walk past some detector , making a data bank with all of our fingerprints as if they are the bosses and we are just criminal slaves to be controled and subdewed , filming me and listening to me talking with every step i take , For fucks sake god , wake me up and show me it was just a bad dream or i`m going to either wilt and die or explode .

In texas somewhere there is a room about 6 kilometers under the ground with 6 soldiers sitting in a circle pointing a gun at eachothers heads incase the order comes to press the button and the guy with his finger on it doesnt do it . If i could get in that room i`d bite all their throats out and hammer on that button untill my hand bled and i broke all the bones in it .

" Well its one , two , three what are we fighting for , dont ask me i dont give a damm , next stop is armagedon , and its five , six , seven open up the pearly gates , well there ain’t no time to wonder why whoopee! we’re all gonna die......."
ooo, I *so* want to get my hands on some sewage water directly from the whitehouse.

I bet it's an concentrated cocaine precursor .. ;)

It isn't called the white house for nothing.
the situation we live in today is going to evolve in the one described in the movie
"THX 1138" by George Lucas
an Orwellian nightmare.

even Equilibrium (wich is more blockbuster, but still the setting gives an idea)
phalaris a dit:
ooo, I *so* want to get my hands on some sewage water directly from the whitehouse.

I bet it's an concentrated cocaine precursor .. ;)

It isn't called the white house for nothing.

HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! OMG that's so funny I can't stop laughing!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

And I'm almost sober!!! ? :D :D :shock: :lol:
and that is why there is a sign saying "do not lick the walls" Hansel and Gretel almost died of overdose! and do you really think that the white stain on Monica Lewinski's coat was sperm???????? she was drooling on one of the walls!!
Say hello to the next president of the united states!
"HalLOL" :lol: