J jenniechan Guest 14/3/12 #1 I am new here. My name is Jennie Chan and I am from London. I am here to gain some knowledge and share my thoughts.
I am new here. My name is Jennie Chan and I am from London. I am here to gain some knowledge and share my thoughts.
K KrispedKritter Glandeuse Pinéale Inscrit 10/12/11 Messages 240 14/3/12 #2 Welcome to Psychonaut, Jennie =) I look forward to reading what's been happening behind your closed eyelids.
Welcome to Psychonaut, Jennie =) I look forward to reading what's been happening behind your closed eyelids.
K KingLordMaster Elfe Mécanique Inscrit 4/3/12 Messages 256 14/3/12 #3 Welcome. I sell smack, crack and coke. ... just kidding, we're a lot cleaner and mellow people here.