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Herbal smoke - Experiences and Recipes

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I was thinking who has experience with Herbal Smoke ? Do you use it as cannabis substitute or for other reasons.

And of course the recipes, do you buy commercial blends like Algerian Blend or do you make it yourself. Are there combinations that really work, and which one don't ?

I my self have some experience with commercial blends like the Algerian Blend but also with mixing some herbs together. I do not smoke cigarettes anymore and cannabis only sometimes but also smoked sometimes while under a mushrooms trip because it is really relaxing.

Heard that Damiana and Passion flower are OK to smoke , but what about blue lily anyone experience with that ?
I love to mix woormwood flowers with maria.It gives you high like no other kind of smoke.Kills the bad effects wich maria can produce, and have coca effect in yours mouth-anestesia.The high is weary stoned like with perceptional alterations similar to salvia leafes.Thujon it is probably-yes Im sure.Try that combo but azarius woormwood is not that kind of class.Only flowers. :weedman: :thumbsup: [/i]
Where do you get the flowers from, GH? Buy or collect by yourself?
And what's the mix ratio?
In my wine yard I have found 3 woormwood plants.But you can mix leafs as well.Ask peasants where you can find the plant-its very coomon. woormwood plant-In Croatia we call it PELIN,GORKI PELIN.Ratio mix is that you do not put tobacco in joint but WMWD.Maybe little tobacco if yours maria is oilish or wet.Do not buy woormwood from Benelux you can buy it in Natural apotechary for 1€-200grams.Sorry for my rush words before in Ibogain post
I was thinking who has experience with Herbal Smoke ? Do you use it as cannabis substitute or for other reasons.

I've quit smoking (cigarettes) approx a year ago, never liked Cannabis.

But I do have some experience with Herbal Smoke.
So it's other reasons here - basicaly just to relax.
Not on a regular basis, a few times per month.

I like to wildly mix herbs, eg Damiana, Passion Flower, Skull Cap, Cat Mint, Wormwood, Calea, Wild Dagga ....
One of my favourit one is Hops.

Never tried to smoke Blue Lily.
Anyone tried ?
Just tried a strong tea, rather nice but very bad effect/€ ratio ;-)
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: He-he, Goran, don't be sorry, quite often I'm a pretty stupid asshole, even my friends tell me so - I try my best to fight it but I still have a long way to go.
Seriously, don't pay attention (concerns everybody else as well), or simply advise to shut the fuck up if I'm getting too anxious :mrgreen:
Yeah, Russians call it almost like you - POLYN, and we call the plant CHORNOBYL - pretty weird, eh?
The matter is I'm war from home for the last 6 years, and the wormwood that grows here is another strain, almost doesn't smell at all and contains 0,000... thuyon :D .
I remember the flowers, I think they are kinda small yellow things, but nobody seems to sell 'em, just leaves and stems. Will have to wait for some time till I will be able to hunt 'em in the field myself. :evil:

Well, here are my 2 cents - Kanna (sceletium tortuosum) goes really coool with Maria Ivanovna. I put a pinch of kanna powder over MJ in my bowl and they both work miracles!
I'm also expecting a variety of herbs in a couple of days, will update everybody as soon as I try 'em.

Peace all.
That what you described-little yellow flowers-THAT IS!!!You have found wormwood-Artemesia Absinthium.And take flowers before they open up to max.This is used for Absinth Gold-7dcl cost 200€ and have 150mg of thuyon per decliter.Flowers are the strongest and then small leafs but only when plant is producing flowers.Try at summer to colect flowers (little yellow) :)
the only cannabis sub that I have tried that works is wild dagga, klip dagga or maruanilla
they are from the motherwort family
they give you a 10 minute light high from just a few hits and its well beyond placebo
the strongest is the klip dagga

most of the herbal mixes you can buy are garbage
damania sucks
passion flower sucks unless you make a tea and use it for the maoi purposes
you need about 80 grams though
hi a dit:
the only cannabis sub that I have tried that works is wild dagga, klip dagga or maruanilla
they are from the motherwort family
they give you a 10 minute light high from just a few hits and its well beyond placebo
the strongest is the klip dagga

most of the herbal mixes you can buy are garbage
damania sucks
passion flower sucks unless you make a tea and use it for the maoi purposes
you need about 80 grams though

I think that you never smoked artemesia+canabis mix.That is the hit.
I'm looking for a cannabis substitute...since its illegal over here I would much rather smoke something I can get in trouble for and gives me the same high. Any suggestions Im quite open.

I'm looking for a cannabis substitute...since its illegal over here I would much rather smoke something I can get in trouble for and gives me the same high. Any suggestions Im quite open.

i've being trying calea zach., wild dagga and blue lotus.

calea is harsh, but works well with sleeping/dreaming

wild dagga and blue lotus have very mild effects but taste good and can enhance the high of cannabis a bit, in a "tuned" way :lol:

gonna try the wormwood and artemisia soon