Hemp could overpower current economy !

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Would you grow hemp if it was legal ?

  • I'd fill up my lawn, my basement, and my roof !!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd probably have a few ceramic pots on my porsh !

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dood... where's the option for the guy who smokes so much he could not take care of himself, let alo

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Source: North County Times

USA -- Everyone has a theory as to why our government is opposed to the legalization of marijuana. The question is not one of morality, but of economics. True, marijuana has the tax revenue potential to help solve our current crisis. But those in power now lose control of their piece of the pie.
When discussing the economic potential of legalizing marijuana we tend to exclude a huge part of the picture. The plant hemp itself has more than 10,000 uses.

It is also one of the fastest growing crops on Earth. The market shift toward products made with hemp would wreak havoc on present-day economy.

The number of symptoms that marijuana can be prescribed for is endless.

Potential customers include every cancer patient, anyone experiencing anxiety, suffering from depression, sleeplessness, migraines, chronic pain, even PMS.

That's before one recreational toke.

Medically speaking, the potential market share for medical marijuana is larger than for any other drug. Show me someone who doesn't have any of the ailments that marijuana can be prescribed for medically. Big companies don't want to give up their market share.

Insurance companies who right now don't pay for medical marijuana will have to start paying a hefty tab. I'm not sure, but insurance companies probably won't be too enthused to pay for everyone's marijuana. The insurance and the pharmaceutical companies both have very powerful lobbies with millions of dollars worth of influence.

The potential market for hemp products cannot be taken lightly. Hemp and marijuana are very valuable crops. It would drastically change agriculture in the United States. I doubt that if legal, the United States has the landmass to satisfy its own demand. Thomas Jefferson knew the economic power of hemp.

Foreign countries with greater landmass and cheaper labor would hijack the market becoming instant economic superpowers in the process. Sure, the United States will see a lot of revenue from the taxation of marijuana. The sales revenue from hemp will far exceed it. The government is afraid to let loose this cash cow.

The biggest determinate of quality life is economics. Power concedes nothing without a demand. By marijuana and hemp being illegal, it has made a lot of people rich.

Legalization would result in such a shift of economic power that it scares the "Haves."

Ron Binion lives in Oceanside.

Source: North County Times (CA)
Author: Ron Binion Jr.
Published: Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Copyright: 2009 North County Times
Contact: [email protected]
Website: http://www.nctimes.com/
URL: http://drugsense.org/url/4uyISW8N


Brief, not the best I seen, but gets the point across !
funnily enough i watch a programme called "hard talk" last night which was discussing the economy in general.
it was mentioned, that in the future the demand will be to grow more crops, faster, on less land, which are also more beneficial to the enviroment than current synthetic products.
i guess cannabis fits the bill quite nicely...
the first country to produce cannabis en masse as its "bread and butter" for export, for pharms.. thinners... biomass.. alt fuel...fibre will undoubtedly be given a huuge boost in its economy.
a developing country would also qualify for massive benefits from the fat cat nations under pollution/emmissions laws for been "green" pardon the pun.
it mite even make the usa, uk and so on sit up and take notice.. if the cakes big enough theyll want a piece of it.
where common sense fails..money greed and power may change the cannabis laws...
That would be funny... and we'll find international bankers with donkey hats signing songs in the streets because they lost it !
I've known this for quite some time
I had an open-minded teacher in school where I did report on it and recieved a 9 ^^
(in Holland they rate from a scale from 1 to 10 rather then F to A)
Yes, in SCHOOL :lol: :P ^^
I would grow hemp to smoke, to make cloths, to make car fuel, to write books and poems, as a perfume, to eat, to drink, to make a bed, to make furniture, as a condom, ...