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You can inject them with Dopa (?) and as few other things . There was a thread containing all the info a while back but i cant find it . Goran and me posted some methods , maybe he can remember where or explain again . If not i can look it up again .
I think that to much sun kills the content , wich is mostly in the skin .
Ok thanks. GOD I rememeber the dopamine process, but where does one go about obtaining dopamine? Seems like a very hard chemical, or neurotransmitter to get ahold of.
Its been proved in studys that it works . They injected a saturated freebase dopamine solution in a 0,05 N hydrochloric acid solution 1 - 2 cms into the roots and the same amount into the green part just above the roots 4 weeks before harvesting and got a big increase in mescalin content . The needle was pushed into the center of the roots and was slowly injected leaving the needle there for a few seconds . Dontwater the plants for 1 - 2 weeks before harvest . If you cant get Dopamin you can inject a mixture of Tyramin and Dopa 6 weeks before harvesting . This works for all mescalin containing cacti . With San Pedro you inject it every 7 - 10 cms in a spiral from bottom to top .
Another thing thats good for mescalin content is to water your cacti with "Hoagland A - Z Concentration" every 2 months .
amazing! i need to do that too with my little peyote
could i eat the dopamine as well and trip of it or somethin or inject it into myself??? or is that not recommended??
sorry for the stupid question but i am interested
so one more question: i'll buy the stuff Meduzz recommended and inject into my peyote in as many parts possible. my peyote is like maybe 5 cm in diameter. how much will be needed ??? and do i need to put the dopamine stuff into a solution or will it work like that ??? thanks!
Its a lab mixture of mineral nutrients . ( "Hoagland's "A--Z". solution which contains. small quantities of all the elements known or strongly suspected to be. essential for plant growth. ...")
Braineater , You cant eat those chemicals to get a better trip they have to go through the process Meduzz mentioned to be changed into mescalin .
It has to be in a hydrochloric acid solution . And with one baby peyote you are not going to get very far . Trying it with a san pedro or peruvianus would be a better idea .
The original study was done by "Rosenberg , McLaughlin and Paul" in 1966 at theuniversity of michigan in ann arbor . You can read about it in "Peyote and other psychoactive cacti" by Adam Gottlieb . Or in german "Peyote und andere psychoactive cacti" from Nachtschatten verlag ISBN 3-907080-66-1 .
I`ve also seen it in several smaller underground publications . If you want i can look them up and name them . Probably the best place to look for them would be "Loompanics" . Scroogle it and lick your lips............