Holofractale de l'hypervérité
- Inscrit
- 17/9/11
- Messages
- 16 405
The Shulgin are aging, and the health of Sasha is not at his highest. Shulgin offered us hundred of psychedelic compounds, and some fascinating books about them. When you buy hundred of dollars of compounds to european or asian shops, Sasha and Ann don't earn a dollar. But they need some to pay a caregiver.
I give you their last message on Facebook with links to donate :
If you can give so much money to buy drugs, you can give back to the Shulgin family a little help.
The Shulgin are aging, and the health of Sasha is not at his highest. Shulgin offered us hundred of psychedelic compounds, and some fascinating books about them. When you buy hundred of dollars of compounds to european or asian shops, Sasha and Ann don't earn a dollar. But they need some to pay a caregiver.
I give you their last message on Facebook with links to donate :
Dear sisters and brothers of (what Ann calls) "The Tribe",
The Shulgin's needs your help. It costs $360 to employ a caregiver for every 24 hours of care for Sasha. Fifteen dollars per hour daily adds up to $2,520 each week, or about $131,000 in a year—and that only covers Sasha's caregivers!
Please reach deeply into your pocket and send the Shulgins a contribution right now. These two loving, caring, humble elders have always given to our community, with no intention of personal enrichment. Please help now. Ask your friends and family to donate. Create a charity event in support of them. Get creative!
I know you want to do it. And you can. Do it now.
This is an incredible opportunity to acknowledge the extraordinary contribution that Sasha and Ann have made to the quality of your life.
Please give back, by sending your financial support to Sasha and Ann in their time of need. Please only give if you have surplus (i.e., until it feels good, not until it hurts). Please spread and promote this request.
For non-tax deductible donations toward health care, please make payments (credit card included) via PayPal:
For tax-deductible support of the Shulgins' publishing projects, please make payments (credit card included) via Erowid Center: Erowid Donations : The Shulgin Collection
Or please send payment via snail mail to:
Sasha Shulgin
c/o Transform Press
PO Box 13675
Berkeley, CA 94712
Thank you!
Greg Manning
Team Shulgin
If you can give so much money to buy drugs, you can give back to the Shulgin family a little help.