hello, would be aider, i need a favor of you. i want to download python but for some reason i can't get the installer from their homepage. it's weird, a friend downloaded it for me and then couldn't pass it to me by aim, the transference would just not begin :?
so, could you friendly chap get the file python-2.6.1.msi from http://www.python.org/download/ (it's ~13MB, the windows binary) and send it to me? upload it, chop it and email it, whatever; i've been wanting to code in it and make my first steps since like 3 days ago.
-if you think i'm talking about snakes, python is a programming language and i need it for a course this semester...
so, could you friendly chap get the file python-2.6.1.msi from http://www.python.org/download/ (it's ~13MB, the windows binary) and send it to me? upload it, chop it and email it, whatever; i've been wanting to code in it and make my first steps since like 3 days ago.
-if you think i'm talking about snakes, python is a programming language and i need it for a course this semester...