HBWS - nausea free method

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well, i have ordered some seeds from an online vendor some time ago. i had tried lsa before, but with morning glory, and had terrible pains in my muscles with it. that just ruined my trip. it seemed that getting up from the bed would tear my muscles and my guts apart.
then, i ordered the HBWS just to overcome this long-time frustration i've had with lsa. i've read that the brown hull is what makes you sick, so the first time, i was patient enough to crush the seeds one by one, and then, with a knife, i separated the hull from the white stuff. then, i drank all of the white stuff in a glass of water and, still felt some pain at the end of the journey.
yesterday, i've had another idea that came to me by chance. with a sharp knife, it is easy to scrape the hull of the seed (anyway, it is faster than my previous method). you just have to be patient and take it easy, sometimes 8 or 10 seeds can seem like a lot if you have to scrape them clean! it takes app. 5-10 min. per seed.
after the seed is all white (a yellow-white), i crushed them, mixed with water and drank it. no pain this time, because i was constantly moving. i spent 8 crazy hours at a supermarket, and everything was perfect. then, a police officer told me to get out of there, because i was obviously "drunk" (ha ha). anyway, i think movement is the answer to the pain, or maybe this method is better.
if it causes no nausea, so why bother with an extraction ?
well yes if you keep moving it will help a lot..
I know from a lot of drugs... that when u stay in the same position for a long period of time , that they start to tense up
and then when u suddenly stand up they get a HUGE SMACK and that can really hurt
I know when i was tripping on HBWS the last two times moving was like walking up a icy mountain :) I was so cold and tired all my body wanted was lying down under the sheets and forget myself. Not perfect but good enough to 'wake up' totally refreshed.