Those weren't active HBWR; I'm 99.9999% sure of that.
25 WOULD make you feel something, I promise; there's no way you'd miss it. I've been sent inactive seeds of HBWR myself. The picture above is how they should look, dark brown and furry. The should also taste fairly nasty as you chew them up, like soap from my memory.
I've taken 25 before. I ended up curled up on the bed. My mouth tasted foul, like I'd eaten soap, and was as dry as the desert. All of my skin felt incredibly dry and hot, like I'd been stuck out in the desert all week without any water. I would go to the sink to splash cold water on myself it was that bad. My room was dark, with the light off and the curtains drawn. Going out into the sun was like walking under a laser beam, everything was too bright to look at and I was squinting to see.
I ended up throwing up about five hours after eating them and the effects stopped almost immediately.
I think these things take quite a loooooooooong time to be dissolved in the stomach. If you throw up within the first six or so hours, they don't do a whole lot.
The nausea can be brutal! They also make you want to constantly stretch out your muscles as if you'd just woken up; all the time, you'll be wriggling around none stop. You'll also feel as if you want to constantly rub up against things, but not like with E, more to rub and stretch your muscles.
All of these are also signs of cyanide poisoning. As the seeds are supposed to contain cyanogenic compounds, it's perfectly possible that's where these effects are coming from. Plants produce the compounds to protect their seeds from being eaten by gimp cows or humans; they're called anti-feedants and they're the plants way of telling you to fuck off. They're stored in an inactive form to keep them out the plants own metabolism. Chewing them mixes the compounds with enzymes that release the cyanide.
Cyanide is not toxic provided you don't eat enough to kill you, I think it's actually used to help synthesis one of the vitamins. Once it's gone, it's gone, it doesn't hang around poisoning you for the rest of your life like mercury, the other heavy metals, PCBs or dioxin might.
Your abdomen will also feel tight and contracted. That's a trait of the ergolines, and why tribes used to use it during childbirth to help deliver babies. It's also used to induce abortion for the same reasons.
The strangest experience I've ever had with HBWR was when I gave 11 or so to two friends. I was eating exactly the same seeds. One threw up within two or three hours, the other was being violently sick the next morning, about 9 hours later; he said it was an awful trip.
For some very bizarre reason, I barely even felt my stomach twitch. I'm not immune to them, I've thrown up with them before. I'd smoke the same weed they had. Maybe it was it something to do with an empty stomach? I was being uber tight on the calories and going super healthy at that point; I probably hadn't eaten anything all day knowing me. I'd even eaten them in the same way, chewing them for a minute or two into mush. I have no idea, but the difference in response from the same seeds, and with me also being sick on them before proving they could do the same to me, was huge.
I had better experiences with smaller numbers of seeds than I did on 25; around 10 to 15. I'm almost certain that's because I was able to avoid throwing up.
The trip is not very strong visually. But if you close you eyes, lie on the bed and let your mind wander, you'll see some strange mental pictures. Mine didn't change very quickly, unlike shrooms, where you're flooded with constantly morphing images, these stayed the same for quite a long time, but were interesting and like 3D computer graphics that slowly rotated; but pretty computer graphics, not like the shit I've seen with 2g of mephedrone, which leaves you feeling ripped off and like you probably have some brain damage for the privilege. One was of a thing that looked like that big space born log from the Star Trek film, that talks to the whales. Lightning was coming off of the sides of it. Then it changed to a kind of vortex or cone that was floating around over some kind of plane of lightning. That was with my eyes closed trying to fall asleep. I couldn't sit still and was constantly wriggling around in the bed, stretching out, as normal with HBWR.
Another time, with my eyes open, it wasn't until the next morning that I noticed the purely positive trippy effects. Everything was sparkling and seemed fresh, all of the grains in the pavement and tarmac were sparkling, my feet were tingling with each step, like I had gentle pins and needles. It was like being 5 again, everything seemed new and alive.
The taste and nausea is bad but it's not as bad as San Pedro. That tastes fucking FOUL, like dish soap with Bitrex in it, and double dosing with it will have you throwing up every 10 or 15 minutes throughout the night; to the point that you won't care about any visuals because you'll be too busy holding onto the porcelain telephone, making repeated, urgent phone calls to vomit world.
Once you've thrown up HBWR, that's pretty much the end of both the throwing up and any gentle tripping. Suggesting that there is still quite a lot of undissolved material in your stomach even hours after eating then; I think these seeds are quite greasy, and fats are hard for the stomach to break down.
It might be interesting to think up some way of stripping the ergolines away from the cyanogens. That would make it easier to eat them without also throwing up all your dinner.
I usually end up taking three times or more of any drug than other people will. 25 should have done something to you!