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Have you ever tried "SPICE"???

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Goran.Hrsak
  • Date de début Date de début
Smoke it!

The following information comes from http://azarius.net/smartshop/relaxing/herbs/spice_gold/

The effects of Baybean are said to be similar to those of marijuana, though its psychoactive properties have not yet been isolated. It's smoked on the Gulf Coast of Mexico as a cannabis substitute.

Blue lotus and Pink lotus have both narcotic and euphoric effects, like cannabis or codeine, becoming slightly hallucinogenic at higher doses.

Dwarf Skullcap is a relaxing herb that can be used to induce a cannabis-like high, diminishing anxiety and restlessness.

Indian Warrior is a tranquilizer, muscle relaxant, aphrodisiac and sedative. It's good for reducing anger, fear, pain and anxiety. Native American tribes were known to smoke the flowers for its medicinal and narcotic effects. Indian Warrior is great alone or when added to any herbal mixture both for flavour and psychoactive effects. It has a rather mild smoke compared to Wild Dagga and Cannabis sativa.

Lion's Tail, which is also known as Motherwort or Wild Dagga, has relaxing effects on the nervous system. It's said to be one of the most effective legal herbal alternatives to cannabis known to man. The main active alkaloid is leonurine. The effects are similar to cannabis, but milder. Siberian Motherwort has similar effects.

Maconha brava, or Zornia latifolia, is mentioned in Food of the Gods as "an hallucinogenic substitute for cannabis". It's nicknamed Maconha brava because locals use it as a cannabis substitute.

The Red clover, Marshmallow, Rose, vanilla and honey have no known psychoactive effect and have beem added to improve the flavour and fragrance.
i'd rather smoke oregano with sage.